The highly credentialed and experienced team of clinicians at APPS is available to support your needs on-line or by telephone on a consultation or ongoing treatment basis. Receiving psychological or psychiatric help through the Internet or by telephone can be done as an alternative to traditional fact-to-face therapy or as an adjunct to on-going therapy. Your APPS clinician will discuss your needs, goals and objectives for your work at the initial meeting.

On-line consultation and therapy (also known as Cyber-Therapy, Cyber-Counseling, E-Therapy, Skype Therapy) is easy to use and can be very helpful. APPS uses Skype, which is a free on-line service for video calls. Skype allows clients to communicate directly through their computer in face-to-face meetings with their APPS clinician via the computer screen. The audio and visual features of Skype are of high quality.

Consultations can be done through Skype or telephone. We are often contacted by individuals with specific questions involving a troubling situation or a concern or problem, for which they would like immediate advice and guidance. On-line consultations at APPS are available for 15, 30, 50 or 90 minute sessions. Some examples of on-line consultation include, but are not limited to, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, parenting concerns, medication education or vocational or career work. Our team of clinicians will also discuss your developmental, psychological, educational, forensic or neuropsychological needs. We are frequently asked to review and provide recommendations on previous testing reports.

The advantages of On-line Therapy include:

  • The client does not need to leave home and or lose time commuting to and from sessions. Those with busy schedules, multiple commitments, illnesses or disabilities or simply very busy schedules, may prefer on-line sessions over office meetings.
  • The client can decide how frequently and how much time he/she will dedicate to the on-line meetings. Some clients prefer 15 to 30 minute check-ins for more immediate matters (e.g., parent guidance), while others prefer the traditional 50 or 90 minute therapy hour.
  • The distance provided by working on personal problems via video calls, is more manageable for some clients who would otherwise be too uncomfortable to work on the same issues or difficulties in person.
  • Clients outside of the area or in a rural setting can work with an APPS clinician regardless of the physical distance.

The disadvantages of On-line Therapy include:

  • On-line therapy may not work as well as face-to-face therapy for those who are more comfortable working in person.
  • Technical problems may degrade or interrupt on-line meetings. When this occurs, APPS will do everything possible to reestablish the connection, reschedule and/or refund the client for lost time.
  • APPS clinicians are limited to some extent by on-line meetings (e.g., APPS clinicians cannot prescribe medication on-line).

On-line Therapy is not recommended:

  • For individuals who are feeling suicidal or homicidal
  • For individuals who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • For individuals are experiencing psychotic symptoms or other severe mental illness
  • For individuals under the age of 18

Telephone Therapy

Telephone Therapy, like On-line Therapy, allows clients to work with their APPS

clinician outside of the office and at their convenience.

If you are already seeing a clinician at APPS and are unable to make your next scheduled appointment(s), you can have your session(s) by phone, rather than interrupt your treatment.

Confidentiality and Security for On-line Therapy and Telephone Therapy

APPS uses firewalls and state of the art security for on-line consultation/therapy meetings. Moreover, our on-line therapy module is password protected and only permits the APPS clinician and the client to sign into the meeting at any given time. Telephone Therapy sessions are held over the offices secure landline or by work mobile phones (at the discretion of the clinician). APPS clinicians provide clients with the same privacy that would be afforded to them if the sessions were conducted in-person. APPS follows the same HIPAA guidelines for treatment, confidentiality and privacy afforded to clients seen at the office. A more detailed description of our On-line Therapy guidelines and procedures will be provided to the client prior to beginning treatment.

Generally, as licensed psychologists and psychiatrists, client-clinician information is kept confidential unless the APPS clinician becomes aware of the following during On-Line Therapy or Telephone Therapy meetings:

  • Child or elder neglect or abuse
  • An intent to commit suicide or homicide

Getting Started

Please contact our office manager at (703) 723-2999 or if you would like to schedule an On-line Consultation, On-line Therapy or Telephone Therapy with an APPS clinician.