life coach

The “Perfect” Coach For Your Boy*


As each Fall athletic season begins and boys are recruited into (or placed onto) various school and county leagues, my voicemail and e-mail Inbox receive an inevitable bombardment of concerns from pare nts about the “best coach.” Parents often have the same concern season-upon-season: “My sons’ coach is mean and I don’t think he can succeed with someone mean;” “His self-esteem is being harmed;” and of course, “What should we do?” I rarely hear from the parents who love their sons’ coaches: obviously, they have no complaints. In an effort to address the question of what makes a “perfect” coach, I turned to parents who love their sons’ coaches, talked with coaches, looked at the recent research on the effects of athletic coaching styles on boys, and sought the advice of a life coach (*I should note that while there are many similarities about coaching boys and girls, the differences illustrated in research literature are strong enough to separate the topics, and focus on only coaching boys in this article.)

The “Perfect” Coach For Your Boy*2009-09-20T18:41:06+00:00

A Year of Recognition for Ashburn Psychological Services


  Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services has been honored this year with Dr. Michael Oberschneider, the founder and director of the practice, being recognized by his peers in the Washingtonian's (July 2009) "Top psychologist" category.  Dr. Oberschneider, who also wrote a piece in The Washington Post earlier this year on the impact of the economic crisis on mental health, was featured on News Channel 8's "Let's Talk Live" and has since contributed to an article for the Washingtonian Magazine with professionals across disciplines on preparing students and parents for returning to school. APS's life coach, Jayson Blair, was honored [...]

A Year of Recognition for Ashburn Psychological Services2018-11-20T23:18:48+00:00

Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist


Keeping New Year’s Resolutions New Year's Eve has always been a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and to resolve to follow through on those changes. Every year clients of mine tell me their lofty plans for New Year’s resolutions- find a boyfriend, lose weight, get healthy, quit smoking- and inevitably, like most people weeks later when I ask about the progress of their resolutions, they confess that they have abandoned their goals. Striving for positive change is important; by following some basic steps, you can improve your chances to achieve your goals. Set reasonable [...]

Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist2018-11-19T23:53:58+00:00
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