Staff, APPS

About Staff, APPS

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So far Staff, APPS has created 253 blog entries.

Commando Parenting


Dr. Mike, My husband is very strict and hard on our three boys, and he is a big believer in “Commando Parenting.”  Sometimes it’s too much on our kids. The other day I found my oldest who’s 14 years old crying alone in his bedroom during the day after his dad removed his mattress, bedding, clothes, and devices for not getting straight A’s.  Our son had to do his chores and homework to earn his things back – one at a time.  To earn back his mattress, sheets and blanket, our son had to do everything my husband said just [...]

Commando Parenting2023-03-06T13:59:53+00:00

What is the Best Parenting Time Schedule for Special Needs Children?


What is the Best Parenting Time Schedule for Special Needs Children? Divorce is difficult for children, and there is no question that it is especially hard on children with special needs; children who require additional assistance, supports and accommodations for disabilities that could be medical/physical, developmental or psychological.  At school, special needs children usually have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) – a plan and/or program that is designed and implemented to support a disabled child’s specific elementary and secondary learning needs.  However, when it comes to divorce, there isn’t a universally agreed upon parenting time plan or program that attorneys [...]

What is the Best Parenting Time Schedule for Special Needs Children?2023-01-10T01:41:41+00:00

If You Want To Live A Better 2023, Change Your Mindset


If You Want To Live A Better 2023, Change Your Mindset There are several reasons why New Year’s Resolutions fail – the resolutions are too vague or grand, the approach lacks planning, structure and accountability, and essential things are missing (e.g., motivation, time, resources).  So, what can you do differently this year to maximize your success?  I recommend that you try focusing more on how you think about yourself in relation to a given goal over the actual desired results you’re wanting to achieve.  If you really want to change something meaningful about yourself, the best place to start is [...]

If You Want To Live A Better 2023, Change Your Mindset2022-12-29T01:58:37+00:00

9 Tips to Loving (and Liking) Your Spouse Again


9 Tips to Loving (and Liking) Your Spouse Again Do you find yourself in a marriage where you love your spouse, but privately and deep down inside, you don’t necessarily like him or her very much anymore? If you answered “yes” know that you are not alone.  Research studies have shown that as many as 6 out of 10 married couples are unhappy, and those studies cite several factors contributing to marital unhappiness including: a sex life with diminishing returns, financial stress, preoccupation with technology, dishonesty, a lack of communication, adultery and men taking their women for granted when it [...]

9 Tips to Loving (and Liking) Your Spouse Again2022-12-06T20:45:01+00:00

8 Tips to Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder


8 Tips to Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as “The Winter Blues” or “Winter Depression,” is a type of depression that affects over 10 million Americans each year. And research has shown that 10 percent to 20 percent of folks may struggle with a milder form of SAD. SAD is a depression that occurs based on seasons; symptoms for the Winter variant begin in the Fall and dissipate by Spring. Women are impacted more than men, and the condition typically begins around 20. SAD symptoms include: weight gain, oversleeping, having an increased craving for [...]

8 Tips to Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder2022-12-06T19:22:44+00:00

If You Want Your Kid to Get Straight A’s, Play Soccer


If You Want Your Kid to Get Straight A’s, Play Soccer The benefits of soccer are tremendous.  Beyond the fun of the game itself, soccer teaches sportsmanship and teamwork, strengthens muscles, improves coordination and cardiovascular health, develops leadership skills, instills discipline, and increases confidence and self-esteem.  And soccer is as much a mental game as it is a physical game, with research showing a strong relationship between physical exercise and academic achievement. For example, a longitudinal study involving 5000 children and adolescents revealed a strong correlation between exercise and test score success in Science, English and Math.  Interestingly, this study [...]

If You Want Your Kid to Get Straight A’s, Play Soccer2022-11-28T02:21:03+00:00

4 Tips For How To Talk To Your Children About The UVA Shooting


4 Tips For How To Talk To Your Children About The UVA Shooting As a child psychologist, I mainly address the developmental, emotional, social and behavioral struggles of children, but sometimes the realities of the world enter the therapy space — events that are outside a child’s control and are upsetting.  And, the recent tragic shooting at the University of Virginia has been upsetting to so many children (older and younger) and parents in our community. Several of the teens I see have shared their concerns with me asserting, “I was going to apply to UVA next year,” and “Do [...]

4 Tips For How To Talk To Your Children About The UVA Shooting2022-11-25T13:47:24+00:00

The Psychology of Your Child’s Halloween Costume


The Psychology of Your Child’s Halloween Costume Hero, monster, princess or something sexy? A costume can say a lot about a child's development Halloween is one of the most fun times of the year for children. The meaning of Halloween runs deep in our culture — it’s a time to celebrate, a time for treats, a time for being spooky or silly, a time for costumes, and it’s a time to enjoy family and friends. When we think back to some of our fondest childhood memories, most of us have at least one or two Halloween moments. And what costume [...]

The Psychology of Your Child’s Halloween Costume2022-10-27T17:58:57+00:00

6 Tips To Getting The Most Out of This Summer For Your Kids


6 Tips To Getting The Most Out of This Summer For Your Kids ”Summer has a flavor like no other. Always fresh and simmered in sunshine.” ~ Oprah Winfrey When I was a kid, a typical Summer day involved me jumping on my bike after breakfast to explore; maybe I’d head over to a friend’s house or to the wooded park near my house with a group of buddies, or perhaps I’d catch up with another group to play a sport.  My friends and I would spend full days outside creating great times.  And when the sun would begin to [...]

6 Tips To Getting The Most Out of This Summer For Your Kids2022-07-18T23:25:16+00:00
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