Ashburn Psychological Services will be hosting a presentation on Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder at the Lansdowne Potomac Club in Lansdowne, VA on September 18th from 1pm to 6pm. The presentation will outline the history and our current understanding of the conditions, and clinicians will address the brain based, social/emotional and behavioral realities typically associated with Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder. Clinicians will also address the evidence based treatments currently available for Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder, including in-patient and out-patient approaches.
Joseph Novello, M.D., will be the key note speaker at our event. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and speaker, and we are honored to have him as our lead speaker. Several highly credentialed and experienced members of the APS team will be presenting at the event as well, including: Dr. Amy Gordon, a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist, Dr. Margaret Wong, a clinical psychologist, Dr. Imran Akram, an adult and geriatric psychiatrist, Dr. Maggie Avedisian, a developmental and clinical psychologist and Dr. Albert Jerome, a clinical psychologist. Local attorney, John Whitbeck of Whitbeck and Cisneros, P.C., will also be presenting on important aspects of mental health and law.
Presenters and Topics
Joseph Novello, M.D.
History and Overview of Bipolar Affective Disorder
Imran Akram, M.D.
Bipolar Affective Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment Modalities
Amy Gordon, Ph.D
Differential Diagnosis of Pediatric Bipolar Affective Disorder and ADHD
John Whitbeck, J.D.
Mental Illness Law
Margaret Wong, Ph.D
The Assessment of Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder and School Implications
Albert Jerome, Ph.D
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Management of Adult Bipolar Affective Disorder
Maggie Avedisian, Ph.D
Sex and More: Sorting Through Addiction and Bipolar Affective Disorder
For more information on the event, please email or call our office manager, Rita Meredith, at: or (703) 723-2999.
We look forward to seeing you on September 18th from 1pm to 6pm at the Lansdowne Potomac Club, which is located at 43459 Riverpoint Drive, Lansdowne, VA 20165.