Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Updated COVID-19 Policies and Procedures effective June 22nd
Navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic these past few months has been challenging for us as a nation and for the global community. While the pandemic has not lifted completely, we remain hopeful for continued positive news and its eventual end.
As we gradually resume in-office appointments, we have instituted several safety measures based on guidelines from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).
Please keep in mind that we will continue to offer psychiatry, psychotherapy and evaluation services virtually and by telephone for those who would prefer to not return to the office at this time.
Safety measures to protect our patients and staff:
- In-office patient appointments have been spaced out to allow more time between patients for sanitizing and preparation.
- All patients are required to wear a mask or cloth face covering that properly covers their nose and mouth while in the public spaces of the office.
- Hand sanitizer is available as patients enter and exit the office.
- We ask that patients enter the office alone or with as few family members as possible.
If you answer “YES” to any of the following questions, please contact the office to reschedule your appointment for your safety and the safety of others in the office:
- Are you or anyone in your household awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test?
- Does anyone in your household have a fever (temperature of 100.4F or greater) or has anyone felt hot or feverish in the last 2 weeks?
- Have you or anyone in your household experienced recent onset of a cough, shortness of breath or other difficulties breathing in the last 2 weeks?
- Have you or anyone in your household experienced the recent onset of a runny nose or sore throat in the last 2 weeks?
- Have you or anyone in your household experienced recent loss of taste or smell?
- Have you or anyone in your household been in recent contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive individuals?
We thank you for your partnership as we endeavor through this time, and we look forward to offering you exceptional service and care either virtually or in the office.
In good health,
The Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Team