How Your Brain Is Telling You To Vote
How Your Brain Is Telling You To Vote As another presidential election approaches, political conversations seem to be everywhere --at family gatherings, on social media, and in the workplace. These discussions can quickly become heated, often leading to frustration, misunderstandings, and, in some cases, strained or even terminated relationships. But what if the way we vote is influenced more by the biology of our brains than by our rational, [...]
3 Reasons Why Social Media Shouldn’t Be Your Therapist
3 Reasons Why Social Media Shouldn’t Be Your Therapist With technology being so present in our lives these days, it can be tempting to turn our friends into virtual therapists when we are in a bad place or need help. And while it’s perfectly fine to reach out to friends on-line for general support, it’s entirely another thing to seek guidance for larger mental health problems. If you personally [...]
How To Talk To Your Children About The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump
How To Talk To Your Children About The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump As a child psychologist, I mainly address the developmental, emotional, social and behavioral struggles of children, but sometimes the realities or events of the world can negatively impact a child’s emotional life – and parenting through things that are outside of a child’s control and are upsetting isn’t always easy. Certainly, the attempted assassination of [...]
What is Sharenting And Is It Bad?
What is Sharenting And Is It Bad? “Sharenting,” which is a portmanteau of the words “parenting” and “sharing,” is a relatively new pop psychology term that involves the act of a parent excessively posting pictures, videos, updates and stories about their child or teen’s life. And while a lot of pop psychology terms aren’t very helpful, I think this one is. As a psychologist that works a lot [...]
Poorly Conducted Or Biased Custody Evaluation
What To Do If You Received A Poorly Conducted Or Biased Custody Evaluation The custody evaluation process is a critical juncture in determining the living arrangements and parenting responsibilities for children following a separation and divorce. The fairness and accuracy of this evaluation is paramount, as the outcome can significantly impact the emotional and psychological well-being of the children involved. A poorly conducted or biased evaluation can lead to [...]
The Power Of Patience: The Importance Of Guiding Your Teen Through Emotional Growth Without Losing Your Cool
The Power Of Patience: The Importance Of Guiding Your Teen Through Emotional Growth Without Losing Your Cool The teenage years are a critical period of emotional development. During this time, teenagers experience rapid changes in their bodies, brains, and social environments. These changes can often lead to emotional turbulence, confusion and poor choices/behaviors. As a parent, understanding the developmental challenges faced by your teen is the first step to [...]
Mindfulness for Families: Cultivating Peace and Connection
Mindfulness for Families: Cultivating Peace and Connection In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and connection as a family can be challenging. The demands of work, school and extracurricular activities for the kids often leave little time for more meaningful personal interactions. However, there can be real benefits to prioritizing and integrating mindfulness into family life; practicing mindfulness as a family can serve to reduce stress, enhance emotional [...]
Ask Dr. Mike – Upset in Loudoun
Dr. Mike, My husband and I have done very well financially. Neither of us came from money or inherited anything substantial, but we’ve worked hard and have acquired quite a bit of wealth. For context, we live in a $12,000,000 house, and we have other properties, several businesses and a large amount of money saved and invested. My husband is adamant that we should not leave a dime to [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: 18-Year Daughter Addicted to her Phone
Dr Mike, Our 18-year-old daughter who is a senior in high school, is addicted to her phone, and we don’t know what to do. The phone is always in her hand, and even though my husband and I don’t disapprove of most of what she’s doing with the phone, we also think she’s on it way too much. We’ve tried to set limits, we’ve taken it away, we’ve talked [...]
Separate Nest Syndrome: How To Cope When Your Pre-Teen Or Teen Doesn’t Want To Spend Time With You
Separate Nest Syndrome: How To Cope When Your Pre-Teen Or Teen Doesn’t Want To Spend Time With You There is certainly a lot written on the Empty Nest Syndrome – the period of grief that many parents feel after their grown child leaves home – but there are far fewer articles on how parents can best navigate their pre-teen or teen’s journey toward independence while still living at home. [...]
Finding Greater Joy In 2024 By Doing The Opposite
Finding Greater Joy In 2024 By Doing The Opposite Personal growth and change can happen in all sorts of ways; and, while we usually think of doing more (e.g., exercise) or less (e.g., eating fewer calories or drinking less) as the most optimal ways to achieve our goals, perhaps simply shifting our mindset and doing things differently is a good approach to take for 2024. In the 1990’s television [...]
What Is Collaborative Divorce And Is It Right For Me?
What Is Collaborative Divorce And Is It Right For Me? Divorce is an inherently tumultuous life event that significantly impacts the emotional well-being of all those involved. And, the approach to divorce can greatly influence the outcome, with collaborative divorce offering a less adversarial alternative to traditional litigation. This method, focusing on negotiation and mutual agreement outside of court, holds the potential to mitigate the emotional strain typically associated [...]
What To Do When Your Child Is Pushed Out Of Their Friend Group
What To Do When Your Child Is Pushed Out Of Their Friend Group Dr. Mike, - Our 11-year-old daughter (5th Grade) is having a terrible time at school this year because she’s being pushed out of her longtime friend group. There wasn’t an incident as far as we know, but she doesn’t get invited to play and hang out much, she’s not invited to many birthday parties, and she’s [...]
Fentanyl Strikes Loudoun County: What Every Parent Needs to Know
Fentanyl Strikes Loudoun County: What Every Parent Needs to Know Nine students from Park View High School in Sterling, Virginia overdosed on suspected Fentanyl use this school year with eight of the overdoses occurring in just the last three weeks. It was reported in the news that three of those students overdosed while at school and were administered Naloxone, and two of the students additionally received CPR. Naloxone (brand [...]
How To Talk To Your Child About The Hamas-Israel Conflict
How To Talk To Your Child About The Hamas-Israel Conflict Technology is ubiquitous, and as a result, our children are constantly being bombarded with information. Certainly, we as parents can do our best to make sure that the information our children view is age-appropriate, however, sometimes that’s not enough or sometimes the stories our children learn about are confusing and upsetting. While it’s one thing to roll up your [...]
Is Emotional Cheating Real? What To Do If It Happens
Is Emotional Cheating Real? What To Do If It Happens In today's interconnected world, relationships have evolved in myriad ways, and while physical infidelity is well recognized, another form of betrayal, often less visible but equally impactful, has emerged -- emotional cheating. As a psychologist in private practice, the topic of emotional cheating or emotional affairs comes up often. Just this past week, a client’s girlfriend became upset when [...]
Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome: Finding New Purpose as Parents
Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome: Finding New Purpose as Parents Transitioning into the "empty nest" phase of life as parents is a significant rite of passage. As your children leave home (often for college), a whirlwind of emotions can ensue. The empty space where there was once laughter, chatter, and occasional teenage drama in the home is suddenly filled with silence. That’s a lot for many parents to handle, [...]
Discussing Separation or Divorce with Children
Discussing Separation or Divorce with Children Separation and divorce is fraught with emotional upheaval and adjustments; and as parents, sharing the news with your children can be a very challenging moment. However, as difficult as that moment can be, there are compassionate and effective communication strategies that can significantly influence how your children navigate the forthcoming loss and all of the changes and adjustments that go with it. When [...]
Teenagers and Cannabis: Understanding the Far-reaching Impact
Teenagers and Cannabis: Understanding the Far-reaching Impact Cannabis became fully legal on July 1st, 2021 in Virginia for adults 21 years and older. Cannabis is legal medicinally and recreationally, however, a final date for recreational or commercial sales has yet to be determined by the state. Currently, 38 states, three territories and DC allow the medical use of cannabis, and 23 states, three territories and DC permit commercial sales. [...]
Nurturing Soft Skills: A Guide for Today’s Teenagers
Nurturing Soft Skills: A Guide for Today's Teenagers In our ever-evolving world, the emphasis on soft skills is increasing in all spheres of life. These personal attributes, which enable individuals to interact effectively, productively and harmoniously with others, are as valuable as technical skills -- for teenagers especially, soft skills lay the foundation for future success. To understand how well developed your teen’s soft skills are, ponder these questions. [...]
Does Social Media Cause ADHD in Children and Adults?
Does Social Media Cause ADHD in Children and Adults? The Impact of Social Media on ADHD: Separating Fact from Fiction Social media is ubiquitous, and while it’s a great way to stay connected to important others, to get news and to learn about what’s going on in the world, overusing or over relying on social media has become a problem for many people. As a psychologist, I am often [...]
Navigating the path to independence in young adults
Navigating the path to independence in young adults By Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D. The phenomenon of young adults struggling to transition into the next stage of life has become increasingly common in recent years, and this “failure to launch" or "failure to thrive" can have profound consequences. As a psychologist, I frequently work with parents who are concerned about their adult children's inability to mature and become independent. These parents [...]
Commando Parenting
Dr. Mike, My husband is very strict and hard on our three boys, and he is a big believer in “Commando Parenting.” Sometimes it’s too much on our kids. The other day I found my oldest who’s 14 years old crying alone in his bedroom during the day after his dad removed his mattress, bedding, clothes, and devices for not getting straight A’s. Our son had to do his [...]
What is the Best Parenting Time Schedule for Special Needs Children?
What is the Best Parenting Time Schedule for Special Needs Children? Divorce is difficult for children, and there is no question that it is especially hard on children with special needs; children who require additional assistance, supports and accommodations for disabilities that could be medical/physical, developmental or psychological. At school, special needs children usually have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) – a plan and/or program that is designed and [...]
If You Want To Live A Better 2023, Change Your Mindset
If You Want To Live A Better 2023, Change Your Mindset There are several reasons why New Year’s Resolutions fail – the resolutions are too vague or grand, the approach lacks planning, structure and accountability, and essential things are missing (e.g., motivation, time, resources). So, what can you do differently this year to maximize your success? I recommend that you try focusing more on how you think about yourself [...]
9 Tips to Loving (and Liking) Your Spouse Again
9 Tips to Loving (and Liking) Your Spouse Again Do you find yourself in a marriage where you love your spouse, but privately and deep down inside, you don’t necessarily like him or her very much anymore? If you answered “yes” know that you are not alone. Research studies have shown that as many as 6 out of 10 married couples are unhappy, and those studies cite several factors [...]
8 Tips to Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
8 Tips to Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as “The Winter Blues” or “Winter Depression,” is a type of depression that affects over 10 million Americans each year. And research has shown that 10 percent to 20 percent of folks may struggle with a milder form of SAD. SAD is a depression that occurs based on seasons; symptoms for the Winter variant begin [...]
If You Want Your Kid to Get Straight A’s, Play Soccer
If You Want Your Kid to Get Straight A’s, Play Soccer The benefits of soccer are tremendous. Beyond the fun of the game itself, soccer teaches sportsmanship and teamwork, strengthens muscles, improves coordination and cardiovascular health, develops leadership skills, instills discipline, and increases confidence and self-esteem. And soccer is as much a mental game as it is a physical game, with research showing a strong relationship between physical exercise [...]
4 Tips For How To Talk To Your Children About The UVA Shooting
4 Tips For How To Talk To Your Children About The UVA Shooting As a child psychologist, I mainly address the developmental, emotional, social and behavioral struggles of children, but sometimes the realities of the world enter the therapy space — events that are outside a child’s control and are upsetting. And, the recent tragic shooting at the University of Virginia has been upsetting to so many children (older [...]
The Psychology of Your Child’s Halloween Costume
The Psychology of Your Child’s Halloween Costume Hero, monster, princess or something sexy? A costume can say a lot about a child's development Halloween is one of the most fun times of the year for children. The meaning of Halloween runs deep in our culture — it’s a time to celebrate, a time for treats, a time for being spooky or silly, a time for costumes, and it’s a [...]
6 Tips To Getting The Most Out of This Summer For Your Kids
6 Tips To Getting The Most Out of This Summer For Your Kids ”Summer has a flavor like no other. Always fresh and simmered in sunshine.” ~ Oprah Winfrey When I was a kid, a typical Summer day involved me jumping on my bike after breakfast to explore; maybe I’d head over to a friend’s house or to the wooded park near my house with a group of buddies, [...]
Four tips to surviving summer with kids back from college
Four tips to surviving summer with kids back from college Sharing the nest again and navigating how to function as a family when your son or daughter returns home from college can be challenging. Sure, your child will always be your child, and you may believe that you still know what’s best for them as mom and dad, but with every semester or quarter that passes they’re aging and [...]
Managing Anxiety Together
Managing Anxiety Together 8 Mondays 6/20/22-8/22/22 18 and over 10:30-11:30 am High School 1-2pm Middle School 6:45-7:45pm
The Many Benefits of Playing Soccer for Children and Teens…At Revolution!
The Many Benefits of Playing Soccer for Children and Teens…At Revolution! With warmer weather arriving, this is the perfect time to play soccer. In addition to being fun, there are many other benefits to playing soccer for children and teens. Soccer is excellent aerobic exercise and it’s great for motor skills and hand eye coordination. Soccer also fosters children’s social skills, perseverance, and communication skills. We know from the [...]
COVID-19 Prevention: What’s Missing in the Discussion
COVID-19 Prevention: What’s Missing in the Discussion Get vaccinated. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Avoid crowds. Practice social distancing. These have been, and continue to be, the main directives from the experts when it comes to COVID-19 prevention. And for the past two years now, news and media outlets have blanketed us with precautionary messaging 24-7. But what’s missing from the discussion on COVID-19 prevention, is the limited [...]
How to Make (and Keep) Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2022
How to Make (and Keep) Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2022 With 2021 coming to a close, many are looking ahead to what 2022 will bring. And, while there are always things outside of our control (e.g., COVID-19 ending), coming up with some personal new year’s resolutions, can be a fun and productive way to start the year. Sure, we’ve all heard that new year’s resolutions don’t last, but [...]
Should I Quit My Job?
Should I Quit My Job? The Great Resignation, a term coined by organizational psychologist, Dr. Anthony Klotz, characterizes the trend in which large numbers of employees have quit their jobs from Spring of 2021 to the present. It’s believed that the trend is due to many factors in response to COVID-19 including burnout, being dissatisfied, lower wages and wage stagnation, being at home for an extended period of [...]
Thanksgiving 2021: 7 Ways To Be Thankful This Year
Thanksgiving 2021: 7 Ways To Be Thankful This Year The global pandemic has made the last year and a half very difficult for many; the pandemic has forced numerous adjustments and compromises on us, and the death toll in the US alone is tragically closing in on 740,000 deaths. Yes, we have a vaccine, and yes positive new cases across the nation (and the world) are trending down, but [...]
How to Support Our Children During This Not Quite Normal School Year
How to Support Our Children During This Not Quite Normal School Year Our children are back in school, and everything’s great, right? Yes and no. Sure, there are plenty of positives to being in school again – our children can access academic material better, receive more personalized and direct instruction, form and maintain better connections, and they are less distracted. However, while research has shown that children learn more [...]
Managing your child’s back to school anxiety
Managing your child’s back to school anxiety With the start of the school year just weeks away, so many children are beginning to look forward to returning to class. However, the numerous uncertainties, unanswered questions and unknowns about what school will be like this year, alongside the significant life changes and adjustments of the past 16 months, has created a lot of anxiety for returning students. While back to [...]
Three Tips To Getting Back to Normal After COVID-19
Three Tips To Getting Back to Normal After COVID-19 By Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D. As a global pandemic, COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the world. To date, there have been close to 180 million total cases, and the virus has tragically taken the lives of over 3.8 million people. Regardless of one’s personal experience with COVID-19, for the past 15 months, the world as we have always known [...]
Having a mild life crisis as a couple?
Having a mild life crisis as a couple? “Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of age not yet begun; as we see that the shadows, which are morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday.” – Eleanor Roosevelt The Canadian psychoanalyst, Elliott Jacques coined the term “Mid-Life Crisis” in 1965. [...]
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Competitive Youth Sports
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Competitive Youth Sports As a psychologist, I frequently work with children and teens involved in competitive team sports, and while there are certainly advantages to being a great athlete at a young age, there can also be a number of challenges. The Good. The positives of youth sports are manifold. Research studies have shown that highly athletic children and teens do [...]
Give Your Kids A “Yes Day!”
“Yes Day!” is a recent movie that involves a mom and dad that usually say “no” to their children, but agree to a 24-hour period where their children get to do whatever they want (with some reasonable ground rules). The family goes on an adventure with all sorts of twists and turns, and the story unfolds with fun, impulsive, and at times difficult emotional moments for them all. In [...]
Three Parenting Tips Toward Healthy Technology Use During COVID-19…And Beyond
In these technology driven times, managing our children’s screen time is a daily – and sometimes moment to moment – parenting task. With the changes we’ve had to make societally as parents due to COVID-19, that task has certainly become even more imperative. Think about it. Many children are on screens for full school days now, then they do their homework on a screen and then they enjoy much [...]
Meet Me in the Middle: What You Need to Know to Really Know your Middle Schooler
Meet Me in the Middle:What You Need to Know to Really Know your Middle SchoolerWhere Did My Child Go? When many of us think back to the age we wish we could take a redo, the tween and pre-teen years of middle school often come to mind. It’s a time when most kids live in the whirling limbo of two different worlds, with one foot still planted in childhood and the other [...]
Dr. Mike, My husband has been offered a promotion to a new position on the West Coast, but his company needs him to relocate by March! If he doesn’t accept, they will give him a severance package, but then he’s without a job and I stay at home. The move would have a higher salary, which is great, but I know for certain that moving abruptly will be difficult [...]
Insane health kick
Dr. Mike, My husband has gone on an insane health kick that is causing us a lot of problems as a couple and as a family, and I don’t know what to do. Basically, he’s lost his mind with diet and exercise, and it started in April and right after he started working from home because of COVID-19. He’s lost 65 pounds on the Keto Diet and he exercises [...]
Making Positive Change Happen in 2021!
Making Positive Change Happen in 2021! On a societal and global level, COVID-19 has made this year a difficult one in so many ways. Worldwide, close to 1.7 million people have died, and close to 80,000,000 people have become sick with the virus. Statistics on COVID-19 are also imperfect given testing limitations and the lack of consideration of those who may have it but are asymptomatic, so the number [...]
Healing yourself and your relationships after the election
Healing yourself and your relationships after the election By Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D. Mindfulness is the concept of being 100 percent present in the moment, while accepting all aspects of what that moment is – without criticism, blame, or judgement. But with this presidential year being so contentious, and with such heated vitriol between the two major candidates and political parties, it hasn’t been easy to [...]
The Psychology of Your Vote 2020
The Psychology of Your Vote 2020 A person’s political beliefs are determined by several factors. How you were raised, your life experiences, your current circumstances, your age, and other things, all contribute to your values and beliefs and the choices you make in life – including how you vote. But what if political issues, or at least how you feel about them, are actually not entirely in your control? [...]
Divorce Rates Spike after COVID-19: Some Tips for Couples
Divorce Rates Spike after COVID-19: Some Tips for Couples COVID-19 has had a profoundly negative impact on many married couples. The combination of working from home, virtual learning for our children, social distancing, financial hardship, stress, less quality time to relate, illness or the deaths of a loved one, etc., has been difficult for a lot of people with divorce rates spiking as a result. Research has shown that [...]
Early Childhood Education Professional Development
Early Childhood Education Professional Development 3 Part Series and Free of Charge to Participate Shifting Sands: Stress in the Time of COVID-19 26 SEPT: 10 AM - 11:30 AM REGISTER NOW VIEW DETAILS So it's Virtual. Now What? 24 OCT: 10 AM - 11:30 AM REGISTER NOW VIEW DETAILS You All Need A Break: Seriously. 21 NOV: [...]
When Politics Ruins Friendships
Dr. Mike, My husband and I have watched politics ruin many of our closest friends’ relationships and now it’s happening to us. I’m wanting to unfriend certain friends on-line because of what I see them posting, and I also don’t even want to have some people in my life anymore at all because their views are so different from ours. My husband and I are Christians, and we’ve always [...]
Managing Coronavirus Depression
Dr. Mike, The last few months have been hard for me with coronavirus. I work in my home office all day now and haven’t been to work since late March. I haven’t seen a single friend. I’ve gained 15 pounds. I’m drinking too much, and I can’t even remember the last time I worked out with my gym closing. I’m around my children and husband (who also works from [...]
Back to School: Preparing your child for virtual learning
Back to School: Preparing your child for virtual learning To the dismay of many parents, the hybrid option to the academic school year for our children is no longer an option in Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS). But what does that mean and is exclusive virtual learning truly the best option? While parents in our community are split over the decision, I don’t think there really is a best [...]
5 Tips to Managing Parental Anger During COVID-19
5 Tips to Managing Parental Anger During COVID-19 While new cases for COVID-19 in Northern Virginia are reportedly lowering, the stress of the pandemic on parents still weighs heavy. Sure the school year has ended, but our children and teens have started the Summer off without camps, swimming pools, movie theaters, bowling alleys, play dates, etc. This has in turn put a lot of pressure on parents (many working [...]
COVID-19 Policies and Procedures effective June 22nd
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Updated COVID-19 Policies and Procedures effective June 22nd Navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic these past few months has been challenging for us as a nation and for the global community. While the pandemic has not lifted completely, we remain hopeful for continued positive news and its eventual end. As we gradually resume in-office appointments, we have instituted several safety measures based on guidelines from [...]
How to Discuss the George Floyd Tragedy and Racism with your Children
How to Discuss the George Floyd Tragedy and Racism with your Children On May 25th, George Floyd, an African American man, was killed by a white police officer during an arrest over Floyd allegedly using a counterfeit $20 bill at a market. This moment of police brutality and the tragedy of Floyd’s death has caused tremendous civil unrest with protests, rioting and looting occurring for over a week now [...]
PREGNANCY & COVID-19 Navigating pregnancy during a global pandemic Join licensed professional counselor Victoria Madden, MEd, EdS, NCCE, NCPC, and expecting mothers and fathers for a weekly support group that offers participants the chance to: Communicate with people who get it Gain support and connection while pregnant amidst the unique challenges faced by those expecting during this time Receive updates on prenatal care and labor and delivery, including what [...]
Upset in Loudoun
Dr. Mike, Our children are having a very difficult time with the quarantine. Our 9 year old son has ADHD, and his behaviors are much worse and his ability to focus on school work is just not there…thank goodness the school year is almost over! It’s too bad because he was doing great academically and with his behaviors before all of this happened. Whatever we ask of him now, [...]
Upset Parent in Loudoun
Dr. Mike, Our 6 year old daughter needs to sleep with us every night now. It’s 100% because of the coronavirus since she’s been sleeping by herself for years with no issues. She started by coming into our room at night crying about “nightmares” and “scary dreams” a few weeks ago and now she needs to stay with us every night. When we’ve tried to get her to stay [...]
Upset In Loudoun
Dr. Mike, My wife has decided that she does not want us to go to the beach for our annual big family beach gathering this July because of coronavirus. Even though all of our extended family are just going to pile into a huge beach house rental, she’s afraid that we or our kids will somehow “get sick and die.” I think she’s being completely crazy about the beach [...]
5 Psychological Tips To Help You Get Through The Quarantine
5 Psychological Tips To Help You Get Through The Quarantine While no one knows for certain when the coronavirus will end, it appears that the virus and quarantine will continue on for now. This has been a very difficult time for us all; and, for many across the U.S. (and the rest of the world) our social, work, school and financial lives have been upended beyond belief. This has [...]
Psychiatric and Psychological Services On-Line
Psychiatric and Psychological Services On-Line The highly credentialed and experienced team of clinicians at APPS is available to support your needs online or by telephone on a consultation or ongoing treatment basis. Receiving psychological or psychiatric help through the Internet or by telephone can be done as an alternative to traditional face-to-face therapy, and your APPS clinician will discuss your needs, goals and objectives prior to beginning. Online consultation, [...]
How To Help Your Children (And Yourself) Get Through The Coronavirus Pandemic
How To Help Your Children (And Yourself) Get Through The Coronavirus Pandemic To every child – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy ~ Malala Yousafzai At a time of year when we as parents are supposed to be getting ready for Spring Break, SOL’s, yard work, graduations, organized sports and other activities for our children with the [...]
Talking to your Children about the Coronavirus: 4 Tips to Consider
Older children and teens are starting to talk about the coronavirus crisis. Some thoughts on how parents can address their children’s anxiety. This week, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency. Reported cases of human-to-human transmission of the virus have occurred now in the U.S., Thailand and France. The death toll in China has passed 300 from the outbreak thus far, with more than [...]
Helping your children succeed without breaking the bank (or the Law)
The recent college admissions scandal has sent a shock wave throughout the country, and the topic has come up for me repeatedly with parents. The scandal has caused the parents I see to more immediately deal with the anxiety they experience regarding their children’s academic futures. College has historically been the path many take toward achieving later vocational success. How do you get your kid into college? It’s not your [...]
Confused about Juuling
Dr. Mike, We found a Juul and other vaping gear in our 14-year-old son’s backpack recently and confronted him. It took some pressure, but he eventually owned up to it. He also eventually accepted our zero tolerance for vaping due to its harmful side-effects, most notably nicotine addiction. Well, kids will be clever, and now he’s asked us if he could vape without nicotine. He says vaping “calms” him [...]
Should your teen get a job?
At what point does getting a job make sense for you and your teen? In Virginia, teens as young as 14 years of age can work, albeit in a limited capacity, but it’s not uncommon for teens between the ages of 16 and 19 to have a part-time job – both during the summer and the school year. The benefits to working for teens are numerous, and I’ve listed [...]
Seven Tips to Surviving Your Next Extended Family Vacation
As a child psychologist, the topic of vacationing with extended family members comes up quite a bit this time of year, and family relations and dynamics can certainly be complex. Packing into a beach house, trekking around Europe, going on a cruise or visiting a theme park with in-laws, aunts and uncles, grandparents or siblings can be adventurous and fun, but for others, it can be extremely challenging. As one [...]
Unhappy in Loudoun
Dr. Mike, My husband and I recently dropped off our last child (our son) at college. Initially, I shed a few tears but was more focused on my happiness for him. Well, fast forward two weeks, and I’m miserable. Sad, anxious, empty, and even angry at times. I’m also feeling very guilty about being a working mom, and now regret that I didn’t spend more time with all of our [...]
Upset in Loudoun (Part 2)
Dr. Mike, Our son left for college this fall, and while he’s doing great academically, my husband and I are concerned about some of the things we’ve seen on his social media. There are lots of references to pot and alcohol. We’ve raised our children to know better, and we are very upset to see the choices he is making at school. As Christians, we are also concerned about [...]
Upset in Loudoun (Part I)
Dr. Mike, We recently had a meeting with our son’s preschool teacher who told my husband and I that she thinks our son is autistic. She said that our son has social problems and anxiety, and that he becomes “out of control” when excited. She said that he has idiosyncrasies like walking on his toes and going over his favorite movie lines with other kids in class, and that [...]
Back to School Planning…In October!
Our kids headed back to school over a month ago. And while a lot of children, had no problem at all getting their academic groove on, the back to school transition has been difficult for others. “He’s addicted to technology” and “She’s missing assignments” and “She doesn’t even try” and “I can’t get him up in the morning” are just a few of the many concerning parental statements made [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: Teen Acne, Depression, Family Struggles
Dr. Mike, Our son has depression, which he’s being treated for with Zoloft and therapy. He also has really bad facial acne and his dermatologist recently recommended Accutane. Our son was very excited when he heard the dermatologist say that Accutane will “clear everything up.” My husband and I were excited too because we know how much our son’s acne bothers him, and it probably even has a lot to [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: Our Son Hates School and Doesn’t Care
Our son is 16 and he doesn’t apply himself at school at all. He’s smart, but he doesn’t try and isn’t motivated to do anything. He’s pretty much been a C and D student (with some F’s) all through middle school and high school and he tells us that he “hates school” and that he “doesn’t care” when we try to help him. Suffice it to say that we have [...]
Dr. Mike – The National Anthem Controversy: A Teachable Moment for Young Children
The ongoing contentious debate over kneeling for the National Anthem escalated this past week in response to President Trump’s position that the act is disrespectful to our flag, our military and our nation as a whole. Those in opposition to Trump’s position have argued that kneeling during the national anthem is their constitutional right and a symbolic statement of solidarity to call attention to serious social injustices in the US [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: Correlation Between Kids, Toy Guns and Potential Violence Later?
Dr. Mike, Our son is 7 years old and he and his friends love their Nerf guns and they especially love having Nerf gun battles in the neighborhood. This past Sunday one of the mom’s in our son’s friend group emailed the entire neighborhood listserv to ask that neighborhood children no longer be allowed to play with Nerf guns at the main public area or playground because she said “it [...]
9 Tips to Liking Your Spouse Again
Do you find yourself in a marriage where you love your spouse, but privately and deep down inside, you don’t necessarily like him or her very much anymore? If you answered “yes” know that you are not alone. According to a study conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, just shy of 60% of married couples reported being very happy in their marriage. That number [...]
Happy Birthday iPhone: The Good and the Bad 10 Years Later
The iPhone is 10 years old this week, and it’s truly amazing how it (and smartphones in general) has revolutionized the way we function as a society and in so many positive ways — having instant access to information, increasing ways to communicate in real time, having multiple applications in the palm of your hand (e.g., a GPS system, a camera, etc.). But the rise of mobile devices over the [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: “13 Reasons Why” Could Harm Vulnerable Teens
Lights, Camera…Suicide! Enter stage right, “13 Reasons Why” a new Netflix television series about a teenage girl (Hannah Baker) who commits suicide and then leaves behind seven double sided audio tapes for her friends and classmates to listen to. Each tape depicts the harmful events (e.g., sexual assault and rape) that occurred for Hannah that culminated in her tragic demise. Based off of Jay Asher’s 2007 novel of the same [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: 9 Tips to Raising a Kid with Grit!
In the 1984 movie The Karate Kid, a teenage boy becomes disheartened when his karate teacher has him doing chores to exhaustion day after day. Instead of teaching the boy fighting techniques for his upcoming competition, the master instructs the boy to paint his house and fence, sand his floors, and wax his many old cars. The boy listens to his teacher but eventually grows impatient and expresses strong negative [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: On Autistic Children and Teens Dealing with President Trump’s Style
Several of my child and teen clients with High Functioning Autism or Asperger’s Disorder have struggled to understand and embrace President Trump. The disconnect has had less to do with political beliefs than it has with Trump’s communication style. Generally, individuals on the autistic spectrum have executive functioning weaknesses where they tend to see and understand things in rigid, black and white or all-or-nothing terms. Interpreting social cues or nuanced communication – verbal [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: Where to Turn for a Teenage Son Acting Out
Dear Dr. Mike: Our 15 year old son is out of control and we don’t know what to do anymore. He smokes pot and drinks, disobeys us left and right, is truant from school often, comes home whenever he wants to and screams at us when we try to correct him. He used to be an amazing kid and athlete, but he quit all sports and he’s no longer himself. We’ve tried therapy, [...]
Bad Clowns and Cultural Coulrophobia
Oct. 31 marks the annual celebration of Halloween, but for some the dressing up as anonymous and often scary characters has taken on a new meaning. The fall has brought dozens of reports across America of “creepy clowns” disturbing the public, and Loudoun is not immune. In October alone, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) reported two unsettling clown sightings. On Oct. 16 a juvenile reported that while running in a [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: A “Maybe So, Maybe Not” New Year
A Parable and Some Thoughts for a Happy New Year. One day in late summer, an old farmer was working in his field with his old sick horse. The farmer felt compassion for the horse and desired to lift its burden. So he left his horse loose to go the mountains and live out the rest of its life. Soon after, neighbors from the nearby village visited, offering their condolences [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: The Creepy Clowns of 2016
“Did you hear about the three kids that were killed last week by clowns?” and “Clowns are capturing children and dragging them into the woods” and “The police are looking for two clowns that were in the woods by my school’s playground” are just a few of the many comments my young clients have reported to me these past few weeks. And with Halloween just around the corner, it seems that [...]
Lessons of Trump-Clinton: All Mental Health Organizations Should Adopt the Goldwater Rule
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) takes a hard line position when it comes to psychiatrists asserting a public opinion about an individual’s mental health or mental illness. Since 1973, the APA has prohibited psychiatrists from offering professional public opinions or diagnoses of individuals they have not assessed. This position, known as the Goldwater Rule, came about due to an incident that occurred in 1964 where thousands of psychiatrists were asked [...]
Ollie Outside: Dr. Mike Hits Home Run for Parents and Kids
Dr. Michael Oberschneider counsels hundreds of local families about it every year. It’s not a new phenomenon, but understanding its dynamics is an evolving science – especially when trying to resolve problems children develop as they grow up. What is it? It’s technology, and its growing use – in some cases to the point of addiction to virtual reality – by children and their well-meaning parents as a substitute for family [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: Kids and Organized Activities
Dear Dr. Mike, We recently signed our 4-year-old daughter up for gymnastics. It wasn’t cheap, but her friends from the neighborhood do it, and she has been begging us to go. It turned out to be a horrible disaster. From the first lesson, she was frustrated, she couldn’t pick up the instructions, and it was a battle to get her to go every time. My husband took the hard line [...]
Ask Dr. Mike: Owning up to Infidelity
Dear Dr. Mike, I cheated on my husband about two years ago and I’ve gone back and forth with feeling very guilty about what I did and being okay with my plan to keep it a secret. It was a one time very very stupid moment that I regret and it happened with a coworker on a business trip. I still see my coworker but I put a stop to [...]
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Receives Loudoun Times Mirror Reader’s Choice Award
I am pleased to announce that Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services was voted the #1 mental health practice in the Loudoun Times Mirror. I would like to personally thank all of those who voted for our practice. It is an honor to be acknowledged by our community in this way. We remain dedicated to the care and treatment of our patients. To review the Reader's Choice 2014 recipients, we invite [...]
Understanding Teen Suicide
Northern Virginia has recently experienced several teen suicides. Last month, two Langley High School students took their own lives just a day apart from one another, and this month it appears two students at Woodson High School also committed suicide. Fairfax County alone has had 15 suicides over the past 3 years, and the surrounding counties, including Loudoun County, have also had a number of teen suicides in recent [...]
More Snow Days! Enough is Enough!!
We invite you to enjoy Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services, director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider's piece, which was published on the Ashburn Patch and Leesburg Patch on 03/17/2014 . Snow Day: Seven Survival Tips for Parents It’s easy to understand why so many are struck with a case of the winter blues each year. We leave for work before the sun comes up and head home in the dark barely glimpsing [...]
New "Ask Dr. Mike" article in Ashburn Patch and Leesburg Patch
What to do when your teenager doesn’t want to drive My 17 year-old son has no desire to get his license, which makes no sense to me. When I was his age, I couldn’t wait to get my license and to have the freedom to drive and drive and drive. Getting a driver’s license opens up so many possibilities and so much more independence, and you would think that he would want some [...]
"Ask Dr. Mike" Advice Column in This Week’s Ashburn Patch and Leesburg Patch
Our director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, has been writing his advice column "Ask Dr. Mike" for area papers and news agencies for several years now. Please click on the link below to read his most recent piece for the Ashburn Patch and Leesburg Patch. Also, should you have a question for Dr. Oberschneider, please send it to Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services at:
Snow Day Tips: how to manage (and enjoy) the next few days!
As a child, the excitement of a snow day or two can bring great joy and the memories that follow can be magical and lifelong. For parents, however, snow days can be very stressful. We in Northern Virginia have had several snow days this winter, and we’ve just been handed another two in Loudoun County. And while the children and teens in my practice are thrilled, many parents I see [...]
Snow Days: some thoughts on how to manage (and enjoy) the next few!
Reposted from Leesburg Today, 01-23-2014 By: Dr. Michael Oberschneider Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services As a child, the excitement of a snow day or two can bring great joy and the memories that follow can be magical and lifelong. For parents, however, snow days can be very stressful. We in Northern Virginia have had several snow days this winter, and we’ve just been handed another two in Loudoun County. And [...]
A Place To Be Meeting at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services
A Place To Be Music Therapy Center from Middleburg, VA, presented to Dr. Michael Oberschneider, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Amy Gordon, and Dr Andrea Lee on Thursday January 16th sharing all the wonderful things that are happening there! A Place To Be’s Mission is to help people face, navigate, and overcome life’s challenges through the therapeutic arts. The doctor’s saw videos of Music Therapy in action, with stories about things [...]
Snow Day Tips: How To Manage Your Children and Yourself on Snow Days
Leesburg Today, 01-23-2014 By: Dr. Michael Oberschneider As a child, the excitement of a snow day or two can bring great joy and the memories that follow can be magical and lifelong. For parents, however, snow days can be very stressful. We in Northern Virginia have had several snow days this winter, and we’ve just been handed another two in Loudoun County. And while the children and teens in my [...]
Dr Andrea Lee Presentation at Loudoun Pediatric Associates
On January 8th, Dr. Andrea Lee, a psychologist at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services, presented at Loudoun Pediatric Associates monthly provider meeting. She was asked to speak about developmental and mental health screening in pediatric primary care offices, and how collaboration can occur across medical and mental health professionals as a result of findings from screening.
Open Door Learning Center Meeting at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services
Ms. Christine Favréaux, the Administrative Director of Open Door Learning Center, met with Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Andrea Lee, Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Joseph Novello and Dr. Michael Oberschneider at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss her school and programs. Open Door Learning Center is a preschool and kindergarten that educates both special needs and neurotypical toddlers and children. Open Door Learning Center is located on the Paxton Campus in Leesburg, [...]
Loudoun School for the Gifted Meeting at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services
Dr. Deep Sran and Ms. Susan Talbott of Loudoun School for the Gifted (LSG) met with Dr. Oberschneider, Dr. Lee and Dr. Wong of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss the school's mission and growth. At the meeting, Dr. Sran, the Founder of LSG, shared many of his innovative and creative ideas regarding education and academic growth and the ways in which he implements those ideas at LSG. He has a very unique and [...]
Executive Functioning Tutor Meeting at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services
Dr. Katherine Armstrong met with Dr. Amy Gordon and Dr. Michael Oberschneider at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss her services. Clinicians at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services have referred several clients to Dr. Armstrong with great success. Dr. Armstrong is an outstanding tutor who works very well with children and teens with ADHD and other types of struggles. Dr. Armstrong's biography and contact information is posted below for [...]
1st Class Sleep Diagnostics, Inc. Meeting at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services
Mr. Jason Yu of 1st Class Sleep Diagnostics, Inc. met with our director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, to discuss ways in which the two practice can work together more closely in supporting Northern Virginia clients. 1st Class Sleep Diagnostics offers a range of diagnotic assesments and treatments for sleep related conditions. They have offices throughout Northern Virginia, including their local office in Lansdowne. to learn more about 1st Class Sleep Diagnostics, we invite [...]
WTOP Interview With Dr. Michael Oberschneider
Visit link below to hear the WTOP Interview on 10/19/2013 with Dr. Michael Oberschneider discussing the lingering emotional toll of the partial government shutdown and ways to resolve it. Dr. Michael Oberschneider's WTOP Interview
We’ve Moved!
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to annouce its relocation to: 44095 Pipeline Plaza, Suite 240 Ashburn, VA 20147 Our new office is situated in the heart of Ashburn and is in convenient proximity to Route 7, Route 28 and the Dulles Toll Road. We are in the four story brick and glass building within Pipeline Plaza and at the corner of Ashburn Village Boulevard and Farmwell Road.
Educational and Learning Problems Testing
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges faced by educators is how best to teach students who present with difficulty learning. Even gifted children often possess an uneven set of cognitive abilities, which in turn could negatively affect learning and academic performance. Obtaining a profile of a student’s learning strengths and weaknesses through professional assessment is essential to understand how best to teach such a student and to determine appropriate interventions, [...]
Social Skills Groups at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to announce that we are running several social skills groups for children and teens on the autistic spectrum. Currently, we are running a group for pre-teen’s diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder and a group for teens diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder. We will be starting a third group for younger children with high functioning autism in the coming weeks. Our groups are 60 minutes long [...]
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Couple’s Therapy Services
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Couple's Therapy Services We offer expertise in a wide range of couple’s issues including: Healthy communication Collaborative planning and problem-solving Conflict resolution Premarital issues Marital issues Parenting concerns Life transition issues Loss, grief and trauma Separation and divorce
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Couple’s Therapy Services
Couple's Therapy Services We offer expertise in a wide range of couple’s issues including: Healthy communication Collaborative planning and problem-solving Conflict resolution Premarital issues Marital issues Parenting concerns Life transition issues Loss, grief and trauma Separation and divorce
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Developmental Testing
Developmental testing examines and analyzes what an infant or toddler can and cannot do using a standardized set of questions, procedures and methods. The results of these inquiries can be quantified. This information helps parents and clinicians understand how a child compares to a population of children who are developing normally and points to developmental domains that need intervention. As children develop, some may demonstrate social, communication and problem solving [...]
Virginia Mental Health and the Law 2013 Conference
Health ED sponsored Dr. Michael Oberschneider and attorneys Mr. John Whitbeck and Mr. Kirk Nahara to present on Virginia mental health and the law in Alexandria, VA. Dr. Oberschneider's presentation addressed the various aspects of forensic practice and ethical/legal standards of care. The conference was well attended by area psychologists and therapists.
Summer Neuropsychological Testing at Ashburn Psychological Services
Summer is an excellent time to have your child or adolescent assessed given that the school year is over and demands and stress are low. Neuropsychological testing will help to identify learning, processing or emotional weaknesses or conditions that could compromise academic performance and functioning. Many parents we have worked with have found it very helpful to have a neuropsychological report and a road-map, so to speak, in place before [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Andrea Lee will be seeing patients at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services beginning in June 2013. As a child psychologist, Dr. Lee has very impressive credentials and experience in the assessment and treatment of infants, toddlers, children, teens and young adults. Andrea M. Lee, PhD EDUCATION: University of Virginia, B.A.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D. INTERNSHIP/FELLOWSHIP: University of North [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services
Neuropsychological testing is a comprehensive procedure that measures and identifies the interaction between cognition, processing capacities, and psychological functioning and their impact on academic and daily behavior. This sort of comprehensive testing is recommended for cases in which a detailed but general overview of functioning is requested. Neuropsychological testing provides quantifiable data about the following mental functions: Short-term and long-term memory Intelligence Problem solving and conceptualizing Ability to learn new [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services Child Therapy at:
Child Therapy Services Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services has both male and female child psychologists on available to provide the most comfortable environment for the child’s therapy and progress.We work with children ages 2 to 12 and adolescents ages 13 to 19 and offer expertise in individual child and adolescent therapy as well as parenting consultations regarding a wide range of developmental, social/emotional and behavioral issues including: ADHD (attention, concentration, [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services Children's Developmental Testing:
Developmental testing examines and analyzes what an infant or toddler can and cannot do using a standardized set of questions, procedures and methods. The results of these inquiries can be quantified. This information helps parents and clinicians understand how a child compares to a population of children who are developing normally and points to developmental domains that need intervention. As children develop, some may demonstrate social, communication and problem solving [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services
Child Psychiatrists, Adult Psychiatrists and Forensic Psychiatrists Over the past few decades, one of the bona fide revolutions in mental health treatment has involved the use of modern, FDA-approved medications for certain mental disorders. A careful medication regimen under close supervision of a physician can reduce overall levels of distress, promoting a more appropriate adjustment to situational stressors, as well as facilitating improvements through psychotherapy. Medications are often combined with [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services Psychoeducational Testing
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges faced by educators is how best to teach students who present with difficulty learning. Even gifted children often possess an uneven set of cognitive abilities, which in turn could negatively affect learning and academic performance. Obtaining a profile of a student’s learning strengths and weaknesses through professional assessment is essential to understand how best to teach such a student and to determine appropriate interventions, [...]
Ashburn Psychiatrist
Dr. Malika Seth is this week's featured doctor at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. Dr. Seth received her training in psychiatry and psychotherapy from some of the country's leading institutions. Dr. Seth is that rare psychiatrist today who can provide both psychiatry and medication services and psychotherapy. Below is Dr. Seth's professional biography for your review and consideration. Dr. Seth is accepting new patients, and we invite you to call [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological testing is a comprehensive procedure that measures and identifies the interaction between cognition, processing capacities, and psychological functioning and their impact on academic and daily behavior. This sort of comprehensive testing is recommended for cases in which a detailed but general overview of functioning is requested. Neuropsychological testing provides quantifiable data about the following mental functions: Short-term and long-term memory Intelligence Problem solving and conceptualizing Ability to learn new [...]
Dr. Michael Oberschneider Interviewed By CNN
Our Director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, was interviewed by CNN reporter, Moni Basu, about the state of affairs in America. On the eve of President Obama's inauguration, Ms. Basu's piece focuses on opinions in Loudoun County, where she interviewed several Loudoun County residents. We invite you to click on the link below to read the article.
Dealing with Yet Another Massacre As a Parent
Leesburg Today and Ashburn Today published an article by our director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, on the recent horrific tragedy in Newtown, CT. Dealing With Yet Another Massacre As A Parent
Ashburn VA Psychiatrist and Therapist Weekend Hours
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to announce that our psychiatrists and therapists are now seeing new and existing child and adult patients over the weekend. Over the past few decades, one of the bona fide revolutions in mental health treatment has involved the use of modern, FDA-approved medications for certain mental disorders. A careful medication regimen under close supervision of a physician can reduce overall levels of distress, [...]
"Auditory Hypersensitivity and Autism Spectrum Disorders" by Dr. Jay Lucker
Dr. Jay Lucker of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services recently published a schorarly article on auditory hypersensitivity for children with autism. Auditory Hypersensitivity in Autism Dr. Jay Lucker is a highly regarded speech and language and auditory processing specialist with a speciality in evaluating special needs children and teens. His professional biography is posted here for your review. Jay R. Lucker, Ed.D., CCC-A/SLP, FAAA Dr. Lucker is a certified/licensed audiologist [...]
Ms. Kathleen Hwang of Sanders Corner Elementary School Passing
Ms. Kathleen Hwang of Sanders Corner Elementary School was fatally wounded in an accident last week. Dr. Michael Oberschneider, our director, wrote an article on her loss for the Ashburn Patch and Leesburg Patch to help parents in our community. You will find the piece at the Patch or by clicking on the link below. Ms. Kathleen Hwang of Sanders Corner Elementary School
Virginia Home Based Counseling Meeting at Ashburn Psychological Services
Ms. Jennifer Sexton of Virginia Home Based Counseling met with Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Maggie Avedisian, Dr.Joseph Novello and Dr. Michael Oberschneider of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss ways in which the two groups could work together more closely to support Northern Virginia families in need. Virginia Home Based Counseling is a State Licensed Intensive In-Home Service program that provides therapeutic intervention to families with [...]
Cumberland Hospital Visit at Ashburn Psychological Services
Ms. Noreine Filipkowski of Cumberland Hospital met with Dr. Maggie Avedisian, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Joseph Novello and Dr. Michael Oberschneider to discuss ways in which the two agencies can work together better to support Virginia children and adolescents with significant medical and physical disabilities, injuries and/or lifelong illnesses. To learn more about Cumberland Hospital's in-patient and residential facilities, we invite you to visit them at: [...]
Ashburn VA Psychiatrist Weekend Hours
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to announce that our psychiatrists are now seeing new and existing patients over the weekend. Over the past few decades, one of the bona fide revolutions in mental health treatment has involved the use of modern, FDA-approved medications for certain mental disorders. A careful medication regimen under close supervision of a physician can reduce overall levels of distress, promoting a more appropriate adjustment [...]
Ashburn VA Psychologist Interviewed on Elections by Washington Times Reporter
Dr. Michael Oberschneider, our director, was interviewed by Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times on the psychology of voting for the presidential election. The piece is titled: Leaning Left or Right, Red or Blue, the Answer May Be In Your Genes. The complete article can be found at:
Dr. Michael Oberschneider to Present at Special Needs Conference
Dr. Michael Oberschneider, our director, will be presenting at the annual Prince William Arc Circle of Support Conference, which is a conference for families of children with special needs and the professionals who work with them. This is Dr. Oberschneider's third year as a presenter. Dr. Oberschneider's presentation this year is geared toward parents and educators of children newly or recently diagnosed with autism or an autistic spectrum condition. Dr. [...]
Office Schedule for October 29 and October 30
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services will be open on October 29 and October 30. However, due to inclement weather, not all clinicians will be in the office. Our office manager, Christine Kutt, will be notifying clients to cancel appointments for clinicians who will be out of the office. If you would like to confirm your appointment for the 29th or 30th, or if you need to cancel your appointment due [...]
Family Therapy in Ashburn, Virginia
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services psychologists and psychiatrists offer expertise in a wide range of family issues including: Healthy communication Collaborative planning and problem-solving Conflict resolution Family of origin concerns Step families/blended families Alternative families Parenting guidance Life transition issues Loss, grief and trauma Separation and divorceᅠᅠᅠᅠ We invite you to contact our office manager at (703) 723-2999 to discuss your needs and how we can best be of service [...]
Child Therapy at Ashburn Psychological Services
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services has both male and female child psychologists and psychiatrists on staff to provide the most comfortable environment for the child's therapy and progress. We work with children ages 2 to 12 and adolescents ages 13 to 19 and offer expertise in individual child and adolescent therapy as well as parenting consultations regarding a wide range of developmental, social/emotional and behavioral issues including: ADHD (attention, concentration, [...]
Developmental Testing Ashburn, VA
Developmental testing examines and analyzes what an infant or toddler can and cannot do using a standardized set of questions, procedures and methods. The results of these inquiries can be quantified. This information helps parents and clinicians understand how a child compares to a population of children who are developing normally and points to developmental domains that need intervention. As children develop, some may demonstrate social, communication and problem solving [...]
Forensic Psychiatrist Forensic Psychologist Ashburn, VA
Understanding a client's cognitive functioning and psychological profile are an important part of building a successful legal defense. The skilled team at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services (APS), through state-of-the-art psychiatric, psychological and neuropsychological evaluations, provide an objective evaluation of clients' mental status in the context of relevant legal issues. These evaluations can provide psychological profiling, an assessment of client competency, an objective evaluation of distress experienced, as well as [...]
Depression Assessment and Treatment Ashburn, VA
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for depression. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed psychiatrist's or clinical psychologist's. Emotional testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification - Adjustment Disorder, Mood Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD and other mood related conditions. Treatment is then individualized to [...]
Anxiety, OCD, Panic Treatment Ashburn VA
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for anxiety. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed psychiatrist’s or clinical psychologist's. Emotional testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification -- Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Phobias, Agoraphobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety and other childhood anxiety disorders. Treatment is then individualized [...]
Autism Testing and Treatment Ashburn, VA
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for autism. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed child psychiatrist’s or neuropsychologist's. Developmental and neuropsychological testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification inasmuch as autism can look like other conditions and vice versa — Asperger's Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, NOS, Communication Disorder [...]
ADD and ADHD Evaluations and Treatment Ashburn, VA
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for child, adolescent and adult ADD and ADHD. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed psychiatrist’s or psychologist’s. Neuropsychological testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification inasmuch as ADD and ADHD can look like other conditions and vice versa — anxiety, depression, learning [...]
Asperger’s Disorder, Autism, ADHD and Anxiety Social Skills Groups Now Forming
With our children and teens back to school, Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is presently accepting applications for our next series of social skills groups. Our social skills group programs are run by highly credentialed psychologists, are small and are tailored to the individual needs of each child or teen (e.g., age, level of functioning, diagnosis, etc.) of the client. If your child or teen is struggling and has Autism, [...]
Carla O’Brien "Coach Carla" Visits Ashburn Psychological Services
ADHD and Life Coach, Ms. Carla O'Brien "Coach Carla," recently visited with our director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, to discuss the ways in which their two practices can work together more closely in supporting Loudoun County children, teens and adults with ADHD, Autism and Asperger's Disorder. Coach Carla offers a unique combination of supports and strategies, including equine assisted coaching. For certain individuals, working with horses has proven to be a [...]
John Whitbeck Special Education Attorney Meeting
Attorney, John Whitbeck, and fellow attorney, Kristin Quirk, met with Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services team members to discuss their special education law practice in Loudoun County. Mr. Whitbeck is a highly regarded Northern Virginia attorney who is now offering special education law services through his Leesburg practice, Whitbeck and Cisneros, P.C., and in coordination with his associates. Mr. Whitbeck and his team are offering special education advocacy and legal [...]
Aspen Education Group Meeting at Ashburn Psychological Services
Mr. Tom Walker of Aspen Education Group and Sierra Tucson met with members of the Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services team to discuss ways in which the two organizations could work together better to serve children, teens and families in need. Aspen offers a nationwide network of centers including: residential treatment centers, outdoor behavioral health, therapeutic boarding schools, special needs summer camps and young adult programs. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric [...]
Back to School Testing in Ashburn, VA
This is an excellent time of year to have your child or adolescent assessed and tested for learning struggles in math, reading and/or writing, as well as developmental, speech and language, auditory processing, behavioral or emotional concerns. It's still Summer so your child's stress level is lower than it likely would be during the school year. Moreover, having your parental concerns addressed and your child's struggles fulling identified now will [...]
Neuropsychological Testing in Northern Virginia
Neuropsychological testing is a comprehensive procedure that measures and identifies the interaction between cognition, processing capacities, and psychological functioning and their impact on academic and daily behavior.This sort of comprehensive testing is recommended for cases in which a detailed but general overview of functioning is requested.Neuropsychological testing provides quantifiable data about the following mental functions: Short-term and long-term memory Intelligence Problem solving and conceptualizingᅠ Ability to learn new skills and [...]
Emotional Testing and Psychological Testing Ashburn, Virginia
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services works with children, adolescents and adults throughout Ashburn to understand any emotional and behavior problems. Testing will accurately diagnose psychiatric problems such as depression and anxiety disorders. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides individuals and families an understanding of their problems and personalized recommendations to treat them. Treatment might include: cognitive-behavior therapy, interpersonal therapy, behavior planning and behavior modification work, play therapy, Greenspan-style floor time [...]
Psychoeducational Testing Ashburn, VA
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges faced by educators is how best to teach students who present with difficulty learning. Even gifted children often possess an uneven set of cognitive abilities, which in turn could negatively affect learning and academic performance. Obtaining a profile of a student's learning strengths and weaknesses through professional assessment is essential to understand how best to teach such a student and to determine appropriate interventions, [...]
Dr. Michael Oberschneider Leesburg Today and Ashburn Today Article on Colorado Massacre
How to Handle the Colorado Massacre As A Parent In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater massacre, we are left in a state of shock and horror as a society and many questions still remain unanswered. Who is Mr. James Holmes and how and why could he do what he did? Beyond the shooter’s background or mindset and the now heated-up debate on gun policies and laws, the [...]
Dr. Imran Akram, Ashburn, VA Psychiatrist
Imran Akram, M.D., is currently accepting new patients at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. Dr. Akram is a highly regarded adult psychiatrist who has successfully treated many Loudoun County residents over the years. Dr. Akram also has an excellent reputation for collaborating with other doctors, therapists and psychologists in providing the best patient care possible as a psychiatrist. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Akram, we invite you to call [...]
Ashburn Child Psychiatrist, Dr. Zafar Rasheed
Zafar Rasheed, M.D., is currently accepting new patients at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. Dr. Rasheed is a highly regarded psychiatrist who has successfully treated many Loudoun County children, teens and families over the years. Dr. Rasheed also has an excellent reputation for collaborating with other doctors, therapists and psychologists in providing the best patient care possible as a psychiatrist. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Rasheed, we invite you [...]
Ashburn Psychiatrist, Dr. Joseph Novello
Dr. Joseph Novello is currently accepting new patients at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Novello has been entered into the "Best Doctors in America" 2011-2012 database for his work as a child and adult psychiatrist. He is also a Washingtonian Magazine "Top Psychiatrist." Dr. Novello has also authored 7 books and is often in the media, appearing on Larry King Live, Goodmorning America, Nightline, the [...]
Summer ADD and ADHD Evaluations and Treatments
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for child, adolescent and adult ADD and ADHD. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed psychiatrist's or psychologist's. Neuropsychological testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification inasmuch as ADD and ADHD can look like other conditions and vice versa -- anxiety, depression, learning [...]
Virginia Mental Health and the Law 2012
Dr. Joseph Novello and Dr. Michael Oberschneider will be presenting on the topic of mental health and the law in Virginia. They will be presenting alongside Mr. James Plowman, the Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr. John Whitbeck, an attorney in Northern Virginia, and Mr. Mark Watson, an attorney in central Virginia. The presentation is primarily for mental health professionals and attendees will earn 6 continuing education credits. The presentation will cover the [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Interviewed for NYC and Chicago Radio Stations
Dr. Michael Oberschneider, our director, was interviewed by reporter, Jennifer Sendrow, for WEMP FM News 101.9 in New York City and WIQI FM News 101.1 in Chicago. The interview dealt with the rise of students having inappropriate relationships with their teachers. Dr. Oberschneider addressed the developmental, social and emotional problems associated with transgressive relationships between students and teachers. To listen to clips of the interview, please visit our Facebook at: [...]
Psychiatrist, Dr. Malika Seth joins Ashburn Psychological Services
We are honored to have Dr. Malika Seth join our team. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Seth is highly credentialed and experienced and offers a caring approach to her patients. We invite you to contact our office manager, Christine Kutt, at: (703) 723-2999 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Seth. We have posted Dr. Seth's professional biography below for your review and consideration. Professional Biography Dr. Malika Seth is a trained [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services Presents at Accessibility Summit 2012
Dr. Michael Oberschneider, our director, presented at this year's Accessibility Summit. The Accessibility Summit, is a national conference for the disability community. His talk, titled, "Understanding Behaviors of Special Needs Children," was well attended by teachers, professionals and parents of special needs children at the conference. For more information on Dr. Oberschneider's presentation and the conference, please visit: or call: (703) 779-2918. This was Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services [...]
Psychiatrist, Dr. Gagandeep Singh Joins Ashburn Psychologial Services
We are honored to have Dr. Gagandeep Singh join our team. Dr. Singh is a board certified psychiatrist who assesses and treats, children, adolescents and adults. He is a highly credentialed and experienced psychiatrist who offers a caring approach to his patients. We invite you to contact our office manager, Christine Kutt, at: (703) 723-2999 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Singh. We have posted Dr. Singh's professional biography below [...]
Dr. Glenna B. Winnie of the Pediatric Sleep Center Meeting
Dr. Glenna Winnie, the Founder and Director of Pediatric Sleep Center, visited with Dr. Zafar Rasheed and Dr. Michael Oberschneider of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss ways in which their two practices could work together more closely in supporting Northern Virginia families. Dr. Winnie is a pediatric sleep specalist and pediatric pulmonologist. Dr. Winnie evaluates and treats sleeping conditions and disorders from infancy through early adulthood. To learn [...]
Attorney William Reichhardt Meeting with Ashburn Psychological Services
Attorney William Reichhardt met with our director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, and child psychiatrist, Dr. Joseph Novello, to discuss ways in which their two practices can work together better to support Northern Virginia students in need of educational and psychological support. Mr. Reichhardt is one of the area's leading educational attorney's. To learn more about Mr. Reichhardt and his team, we invite you to visit: or call: (703) 359-6060.
Meeting with Inova Family Medicine Ashburn
Our Director, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, met with Dr. Neeta Goel and her team at Inova Family Medicine Ashburn to discuss ways Inova Family Medicine and Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services could work together more closely in supporting Loudoun County children, adolescents and adults with mental health needs. For more information on Dr. Neeta Goel or Dr. Jocelyn Serrano of Inova Family Medicine Ashburn, please contact: (703) 858-3140.
Pamlab Meeting at Ashburn Psychological Services
Mr. Stuart Ritchie, a reprsentative of Pamlab, provided a presentation on Deplin at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. Deplin is a L-Methlyfolate, which is currently being used by many psychiatrists in combination with antipressants to treat Major Depressive Disorder. Research on Deplin has shown positive results as an adjunctive medication in the treatment of depression. Dr. Imram Akram, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Amy Gordon and Dr. Maggie Avedisian of the [...]
Loudoun School for the Gifted and Ideal Schools High School Meeting at Ashburn Psychological Services
Dr. Deep Sran, the Founder and Principal of Ideal Schools High School, and Ms. Susan Talbott, the Admissions Director of Loudoun School for the Gifted, met with members of our team to discuss their two very extraordinary schools. Ideal Schools High School, which was founded in 2008, is excited to announce the openning of their middle school for gifted children. To learn more about Ideal Schools or Loudoun School for [...]
ADD and ADHD Evaluation and Treatment at Ashburn Psychological Services
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services provides the most advanced, state of the art assessment and treatment for child, adolescent and adult ADD and ADHD. As a multidisciplinary team, we start with a comprehensive assessment conducted either by one of our highly credentialed psychiatrist's or psychologist's. Neuropsychological testing is sometimes warranted for diagnostic clarification inasmuch as ADD and ADHD can look like other conditions and vice versa -- anxiety, depression, learning [...]
ADD and ADHD Evaluation and Treatment at Ashburn Psychological Services
Cogmed Working Memory Training is a computer-based solution for attention problems caused by poor working memory. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is certified to administer Cogmed's innovative training solutions to help you and your family. Cogmed combines cognitive neuroscience with an innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits to its users. The program challenges the user's working memory capacity. The computerized, cognitive exercises [...]
Education Edge Meeting at Ashburn Psychological Services
Ms. Peggy Kearney, President of Education Edge, met with Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Al Jerome, Dr. Imran Akram, Dr. Michael Oberschneider and Ms. Christine Kutt to discuss ways in which Education Edge and Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services can work together more to support our local families. Education Edge is a private tutoring company that provides a host of services. We invite you to visit: to learn more about [...]
Angels of Hope Meeting at Ashburn Psychological Services
Mr. Emilio Rodriguez met with Dr. Al Jerome, Dr. Amy Gordon, Ms. Christine Kutt and Dr. Michael Oberschneider to discuss ways in which Angels of Hope and Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services can work together more in serving Northern Virginia families. Angels of Hope offers intensive in-home mental health support to those in need. To learn more about their services, you may call Mr. Rodriguez at (703) 680-9527 or visit [...]
APS Presents at Prince William County Special Needs Conference
Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Jay Lucker and Dr. Michael Oberschneider of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services had the pleasure to present at the Arc of Prince Wiliam County's Circle of Support Conference on November 15. The conference was for families of children with special needs and the professionals who work with them. Dr. Wong presented on the most recent advances in diagnostic assessment and treatment for autism. Dr. Lucker presented on [...]
Formed Families Forward Meeting
The director of Formed Families Forward met with clinicans at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss ways in which the two organizations can better work together in support of our local families in need. Formed Families First is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting foster and adoptive families of children and youth with disabilities and other special needs. They serve families in the Northern Virginia area. To learn more [...]
Ashburn Educational Adovcate, Tracey Greenwood, Meeting
Tracey Greenwood of Autism Educational Services in Ashburn, VA, met with Dr. Al Jerome, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Imran Akram, Dr. Michael Oberschneider and Ms. Christine Kutt of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss ways in which the two organizations might work together more. Ms. Greenwood serves the Northern Virginia region in supporting parents of children in need of educational direction and advocacy. She works closely with parents, students, [...]
Autism Speaks and the Virginia Autism Project Discussion Series
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to announce that Autism Speaks and the Virginia Autism Project have teamed together to host the November National Capital Area Chapter Meeting and Discussion Series on the Virginia Autism Insurance Reform legislation passed in January 2011. They are offering two sessions on Thursday, November 3rd at 10:00am and at 7:00pm at the Metro Offices, Ballston Office Center, in Arlington, VA. To RSVP please [...]
Accupunture and the Healing Arts of Leesburg at Ashburn Psychological Services
Mr. Daniel Parrish of Accupuncture and the Healing Arts met with Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr.Margart Wong, Dr. Michael Oberschneider and Ms. Christine Kutt of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discusses the uses of accupuncture and herbology in treating certain conditions. The talk illuminated the ways in which Eastern approaches to treatment can compliment Western approaches. To learn more about Mr. Parrish, please visit: . You can also contact Mr. [...]
Autism Speaks and the Virginia Autism Project Discussion Series
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to announce that Autism Speaks and the Virginia Autism Project have teamed together to host the November National Capital Area Chapter Meeting and Discussion Series on the Virginia Autism Insurance Reform legislation passed in January 2011. They are offering two sessions on Thursday, November 3rd at 10:00am and at 7:00pm at the Metro Offices, Ballston Office Center, in Arlington, VA. To RSVP please [...]
Bristol-Myers Squibb Presentation at Ashburn Psychological Services
A representative of Bristol-Myers Squibb presented on the efficacy of Abilify for treating children and adolescents with certain psychiatric needs and conditions. Dr. Zafar Rasheed, Dr. Al Jerome, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, and Ms. Chris kutt of the team attended the presentation. To learn more about Abilify and its uses for psychiatric care, please visit:
ARCpoint Labs at Ashburn Psychological Services
Mr. Jon Helms of ARCpoint Labs provided a presentation of his company's services at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. Dr. Imran Akram, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Shalini Wahi, Dr. Michael Oberschneider and Ms. Chris Kutt of the practice attended the presentation. ARCpoint provides occupational and judicial drug and alcohol testing, DNA testing, background screening, environmental drug detection and wellness services. ARCpoint is the only lab and agency [...]
New Ashburn Psychologist, Dr. Shalini Wahi
Dr. Wahi is an Oxford-educated Developmental Psychologist. She obtained her Post-Doctoral Respecialization Clinical Psychology training at the Mayo Clinic, MN and the Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA. When working with children, Dr. Wahi uses both play therapy as well as evidenced-based therapies such as, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help children alter their maladaptive thought and behavior patterns. An essential component of her work includes parent coaching and instituting a behavioral reward system [...]
Dr. Margaret Wong Meeting at St. James Preschool in Leesburg
Dr. Margaret Wong recently met with the staff at St. James Preschool as a consultant to provide an in-service training and to discuss child development and the upcoming school year. St James Preschool was founded in 1972 and has an excellent reputation in Leesburg and the surrounding area. St. James offers programs for children 2, 3, and 4 years of age, as well as extended day and Friday enrichment programs. [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services at Family Fest
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services recently participated in the 8th Annual Family Fest at the Dulles Town Center. The event was sponsored by INOVA Loudoun Hospital and featured interactive activities focusing on family health & safety, nutrition, education and community awareness. The event showcased hands-on, interactive stations, exhibits, demonstrations, and live stage entertainment. We were very pleased to be part of this wonderful community event for the second year.
Ashburn Psychological Services Welcome’s Dr. Shalini Wahi
Dr. Wahi is an Oxford-educated Developmental Psychologist. She obtained her Post-Doctoral Respecialization Clinical Psychology training at the Mayo Clinic, MN and the Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA. When working with children, Dr. Wahi uses both play therapy as well as evidenced-based therapies such as, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help children alter their maladaptive thought and behavior patterns. An essential component of her work includes parent coaching and instituting a behavioral reward system [...]
Dominion Hospital at Ashburn Psychological Services
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services hosted representatives from Dominion Hospital to discuss ways in which the two organizations can work together better to support our families in Northern Virginia. Dr.Margaret Wong, Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, Chris Kutt (our office manager), and Nisha Sharma (our administrative assistant), were present for the meeting. Dominion Hospital is an inpatient facility that treats children, adolescents and adults in need of intensive hospitalization [...]
Aspen Education Group Meeting at APS
Kathleen Goughler of the Aspen Education Group met with Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Al Jerome, Dr. Michael Oberschneider and Christine Kutt of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services to discuss ways in which the two groups could work together more to support families in need. Aspen Education Group has a host of boarding schools, residential treatment programs and wilderness programs throughout the country. Aspen's many programs serve children, adolescents and young [...]
ADD and ADHD Treatment
Cogmed Working Memory Training is a computer-based solution for attention problems caused by poor working memory. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is certified to administer Cogmed's innovative training solutions to help you and your family. Cogmed combines cognitive neuroscience with an innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits to its users. The program challenges the user's working memory capacity. The computerized, cognitive exercises [...]
Dr. Oberschneider Writing Loudoun County Advice Column "Ask Dr. Mike"
Dr. Oberschneider is writing a monthly advice column for the Ashburn Patch and the Blue Ridge Leader and Loudoun Today. The Ashburn Patch is a wonderful on-line Website and resource for Ashburn events and news. The Blue Ridge Leader and Loudoun Today is Western Loudoun's oldest newspaper, and is a real new gem for our community. Ask Dr. Mike focuses on a host of topics and has been very well [...]
ADD and ADHD Treatment
Cogmed Working Memory Training is a computer-based solution for attention problems caused by poor working memory. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is certified to administer Cogmed's innovative training solutions to help you and your family. Cogmed combines cognitive neuroscience with an innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits to its users. The program challenges the user's working memory capacity. The computerized, cognitive exercises [...]
Dr. Oberschneider Interviewed by Reporter, Amy Oliver
Dr. Michael Oberschneider of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services was interviewed last week by reporter Amy Oliver for MailOnline, an internationally based on-line news journal. Ms. Oliver's article addresses the increase in inappropriate relationships between female teachers and their male students. As a mental health expert, Dr. Oberschneider was asked to opine on the growing number of these cases and prosecutions. To read the article in its entirety, please visit: [...]
ADD and ADHD Treatment
Cogmed Working Memory Training is a computer-based solution for attention problems caused by poor working memory. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is certified to administer Cogmed's innovative training solutions to help you and your family. Cogmed combines cognitive neuroscience with an innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits to its users. The program challenges the user's working memory capacity. The computerized, cognitive exercises [...]
Autism Speaks National Capital Area Chapter Meeting and Discussion Series
"How to Talk to you Child About about Autism" Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D., Director of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Laura Gutermuth Anthony, Ph.D., Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Children's National Medical Center *** Join the discussion! This and other questions will be answered by two leading experts in the mental health field who will join us for the evening. The meeting will be held at the Aurora School on [...]
Accessiblity Summit 2011
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services has been invited to conduct a workshop at the 2011 Accessibility Summit, a national conference for the disability community. Dr. Amy Gordon, Dr. Margaret Wong, Dr. Jay Lucker and Dr. Michael Oberschneider will be presenting from our team. The world renowned, Dr. Temple Grandin will be the keynote speaker at the event. The Accessibility Summit will be held on April 1st and 2nd at the [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Position at APS
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is expanding its team, and we invite interested psychologists and therapists in the area to apply. We are seeking: A therapist with a minimum of 5 years experience A therapist licensed in the State of Virginia A therapist with advanced training and experience in working with children, teens, adults and families A therapist who can work evening and Saturday hours A therapist who enjoys working [...]
Ashburn Psychologist on Popular TV Show, Hoarding: Buried Alive
Dr. Albert Jerome was invited by the Discovery Network to appear as a treatment expert on an episode of the popular show, Hoarding: Buried Alive. The episode was filmed in 2010 and will be shown on the Discovery Learning Channel on March 9th at 10PM. Dr. Jerome is an outstanding psychologist who specializes in anxiety and mood disorders,individual therapy, group therapy and couple's therapy, as well as behavioral medicine. He [...]
Psychologist Position in Ashburn
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is expanding its team, and we invite interested psychologists and therapists in the area to apply. We are seeking: A therapist with a minimum of 5 years experience A therapist licensed in the State of Virginia A therapist with training and experience in working with children, teens, adults and families A therapist who can work evening and Saturday hours A therapist who enjoys working collaboratively [...]
Ashburn Psychologist on Popular TV Show, Hoarding: Buried Alive
Dr. Albert Jerome was invited by the Discovery Network to appear as a treatment expert on an episode of the popular show, Hoarding: Buried Alive. The episode was filmed in 2010 and will be shown on the Discovery Learning Channel in early 2011. Dr. Jerome is an outstanding psychologist who specializes in anxiety and mood disorders,individual therapy, group therapy and couple's therapy, as well as behavioral medicine. He works with [...]
Ashburn Psychological Services Highlights for 2010
Dr. Joseph Novello was nominated, “Top Doc,” in the Washingtonian Magazine and Virginia Living Magazine for his work as a psychiatrist with children and adults. Dr. Novello was also nominated into the “Best Doctor’s in America” 2011-2012 database for psychiatry. Dr. Michael Oberschneider appeared on Good Morning America as a mental health expert to discuss bullying and teen suicide. Dr. Oberschneider published several articles on various topics in Loudoun County [...]
Keeping New Year's Resolutions
New Year’s Eve has always been a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and to resolve to follow through on those changes. Every year clients of mine tell me their lofty plans for New Year’s resolutions - find a boyfriend, lose weight, get healthy, quit smoking- and inevitably, like most people weeks later when I ask about the progress of their resolutions, they confess [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Discusses "Holiday Blues" with Ashburn Patch
Published in the Ashburn Patch, December 23, 2010 By: Taghrid Barron How to Beat the Holiday Blues If you're suffering from depression, grieving the loss of a loved one or coping with a recent divorce, the holidays can be anything but happy. People struggling with a loss are especially vulnerable to feelings of depression during the holidays, according to Dr. Michael Oberschneider, director of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services and [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Discusses Holiday Stress with Ashburn Patch
Published in the Ashburn Patch, December 22, 2010 By: Taghrid Barron Don't Worry, Be Happy Professional Advice on How to Cope with Stress During the Holidays Organizing the office holiday party, going to four stores to track down the last item on your son's list to Santa, trying to figure out how you can afford to get your kids the latest $300 gadget, baking several dozen cookies for your daughter's [...]
Dr. Joseph Novello Nominated Into "Best Doctors in America" Database
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Joseph Novello has been selected by his peers to be included in the the Best Doctors in America 2011 and 2012 database. The Best Doctors in America database is a valued resource that contains the names and professional profiles of a select group of the best doctors in the United States. An exhaustive peer-review survey by thousands of doctors determines the physicians included [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Discusses Bullying on Good Morning America
Published in: Loudoun Times-Mirror on November 23, 2010 By: Mr. Matt Vecchio Dr. Michael Oberschneider described his first appearance on national television as bittersweet. While his trip to New York City and appearance on “Good Morning America” was an unexpected and exciting experience, the subject matter was not. Oberschneider, founder and director of Ashburn Psychological Services, appeared on the popular show Nov. 6 with Loudoun resident Walter Perkins, the [...]
Dr. Joseph Novello nominated into "Best Doctors in America"
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Joseph Novello has been selected by his peers to be included in the the Best Doctors in America 2011 and 2012 database. The Best Doctors in America database is a valued resource that contains the names and professional profiles of a select group of the best doctors in the United States. An exhaustive peer-review survey by thousands of doctors determines the physicians included [...]
Dr. Oberschneider on Good Morning America
On Saturday, November 6th, Dr. Michael Oberschneider discussed bullying as a mental health expert on Good Morning America in the wake of the teen suicide tragedy of Hunter Perkins. Please visit the link below to see video.
Dr. Joseph Novello Presenting at St. Albans School
On November 3rd, the Parents' Association of St. Albans hosted a presentation for all STA parents focusing on practical strategies for raising children and adolescents. Joseph Novello, M.D., a nationally renowned psychiatrist and family health adviser offered parents down-to-earth and practical advice about raising children in today's society. Dr. Novello has appeared on Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Nightline. In Washington, he hosted his own daily radio call-in [...]
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
The Director of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services, Dr. Michael Oberschneider, met with the President and Vice President of Friends of Loudoun Mental Health, Ms. Stephanie Foran and Ms. Judy Hines, respectively.Friends of Loudoun Mental Health is a non-profit volunteer organization that provides support, guidance and advocacy to Loudoun County residents with chronic mental illnesses. Below is a brief description of Friends and their contact information. Friends has worked in [...]
Margaret Paxton Memorial Learning and Resource Campus
Dr. Michael Oberschneider, the director of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services, visited with the directors of the Open Door Learning Center and the Aurora School at the Margaret Paxton Memorial Learning and Resource Campus in Leesburg, VA. The Open Door Learning Center is a new preschool in Leesburg that teaches children with developmental delays and neurotypical children from 2 to 6 years of age. The Open Door Learning Center program is impressive, as their [...]
Washingtonian "Top Psychiatrist" Honor for Ashburn Psychological Services
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Novello for being recognized in the 2010 Washingtonian Magazine Top Doctors edition as a leading psychiatrist in the areas of child and adult psychiatry. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and his bio is listed below for your review. Dr. Novello is the only psychiatrist in all of Loudoun County to receive this esteemed honor. Joseph R. Novello, M.D., practices adult and child/adolescent psychiatry and [...]
Depression and Bipolar Presentation at Lansdowne Potomac Club
Ashburn Psychological Services will be hosting a presentation on Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder at the Lansdowne Potomac Club in Lansdowne, VA on September 18th from 1pm to 6pm. The presentation will outline the history and our current understanding of the conditions, and clinicians will address the brain based, social/emotional and behavioral realities typically associated with Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder. Clinicians will also address the evidence based treatments currently [...]
Washingtonian "Top Psychiatrist" Honor for APS
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Novello for being recognized in the 2010 Washingtonian Magazine Top Doctors edition as a leading psychiatrist in the areas of child and adult psychiatry. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and his bio is listed below for your review. Dr. Novello is the only psychiatrist in all of Loudoun County to receive this esteemed honor. Joseph R. Novello, M.D., practices adult and child/adolescent psychiatry and [...]
Inova Loudoun Hospital Family Fest at The Dulles Town Center
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services will be participating in Family Fest at the Dulles Town Center on Saturday August 28, 2010. Family Fest is an exciting full day event featuring exhibits, live entertainment and interactive stations. The event will focus on family health and safety, nutrition, education, mental health and community support, and professionals from various disciplines will be on-hand. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services will have a booth on [...]
Dr. Oberschneider Featured in Northern Virginia Magazine Article on Teens
In this month's Northern Virginia Magazine, author Renee Sklarew wrote a comprehensive and thought provoking article on teens titled, "the Secret Lives of Teens." The piece addresses the social, emotional, academic and family life realities and concerns for teens growing up in Northern Virginia. Sklarew does a great job of juxtaposing the opinions of Northern Virginia mental health professionals alongside those of the teens she interviewed. Dr. Oberschneider addresses the [...]
What Women Need to Know About Divorce
SECOND SATURDAY A community service open to everyone who wants to learn more about the process of divorce Date and Time: Second Saturday of Each Month Starting at 9:00 a.m. Location: Fair Oaks Courtyard Marriott 11220 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway (Rte. 50) Fairfax, VA 22030 Learn about your legal and financial options from trusted experts Discover resources available to you in this free workshop a workshop to help you understand [...]
Dr. Jerome Featured in Article About Bullying
Clinical Psychologist Dr. Albert Jerome was featured in a recent article published by Elizabeth Coe in the Loudoun Times Mirror. Ms. Coe wrote that bullying among school-aged children is a widespread and serious issue. According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, studies show that between 15 and 25 percent of American students are bullied. Several examples of specific cases of bullying were described in the article. Dr. [...]
Washingtonian "Top Psychiatrist" Honor in Loudoun County
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Novello for being recognized in the 2010 Washingtonian Magazine “Top Doctors” edition as a leading psychiatrist in the areas of child and adult psychiatry. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and his bio is listed below for your review. Dr. Novello is the only psychiatrist in all of Loudoun County to receive this esteemed honor. Joseph R. Novello, M.D., practices adult and child/adolescent psychiatry and [...]
Between watching television and videos, Twittering, surfing the Internet, texting and playing computer or video games, it seems that our kids are spending more of their time than ever looking at some sort of screen, which begs the question -- How much screen time is too much? As a psychologist, of course I’ve always been witness to the extreme cases. However, over the past few years, screen time concerns rank [...]
Understanding Eating Disorders
Living with an eating disorder is often a very private struggle, which might stem from the fact that eating disorders are generally misunderstood in our society and therefore seem easier to hide rather than to confront. Sadly, in this case, ignorance is not bliss, and it can be detrimental to the recovery of those suffering from eating disorders and other mental illnesses. NEDA works to expand our awareness of the [...]
Washingtonian "Top Psychiatrist" Honor in Loudoun County
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Novello for being recognized in the 2010 Washingtonian Magazine “Top Doctors” edition as a leading psychiatrist in the areas of child and adult psychiatry. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and his bio is listed below for your review. Dr. Novello is the only psychiatrist in all of Loudoun County to receive this esteemed honor. Joseph R. Novello, M.D., practices adult and child/adolescent psychiatry and [...]
Happy Memorial Day
We at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services would like to wish everyone a Memorial Day filled with pride, warmth and togetherness. We remember and honor the brave hearts who gave their lives to serve our nation, and we are thankful for those who continue to serve the USA. A few of our clinicians have served in the military and have also worked within the military in the areas of [...]
Your Mental Health vs. Your Job?
Published in the Loudoun Times-Mirror in April, 2010 Several sources show an increase in mental health services since the recession – increases in crisis line calls, employee assistance program counseling sessions and inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations. This is not surprising given that the unemployment rate remains around 10 percent nationally – as a nation, these are indeed stressful times. But the national numbers for mental health treatment don’t [...]
ADHD Presentation at Ashburn Psychological Services
Dr. Niru Jani, a renowned neuropsychiatrist based out of Columbia, Maryland, presented on the most recent advances in neurology and medication to the team at Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services. His dinner presentation was enjoyable and quite informative, as the research and treatments in the area of ADD and ADHD continue to advance. Dr. Michael Oberschneider, Director
No Link Between Vaccines and Autism
Published in the Loudoun Independent on April 24, 2010 By Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D Founder and Director, Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services An impressive and large scale study published in the April issue of the journal, Pediatrics, has reported that one in four parents believe that some vaccines cause autism. While the majority of concerned parents don’t let their fears impact their decision to vaccinate, many do. In 2008, unvaccinated [...]
Washingtonian Top Psychiatrist in Loudoun County
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Novello for being recognized in the 2010 Washingtonian Magazine "Top Doctors" edition as a leading psychiatrist in the areas of child and adult psychiatry. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and his bio is listed below for your review. Dr. Novello is the only psychiatrist in all of Loudoun County to receive this esteemed honor. Joseph R. Novello, M.D., practices adult and child/adolescent psychiatry and [...]
Private School Admissions Testing at Ashburn Psychological Services
Private schools in Northern Virginia typically require admissions testing as part of the application process. Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services (APS) has a team of highly credentialed and experienced psychologists who frequently test for the surrounding area private and boarding schools. Please call our office manager, Laura Cusumano, at: (703) 723-2999. Laura will explain the procedure and schedule your child’s testing at APS with an evaluator within a few days. [...]
Washingtonian Magazine "Top Doctor"
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Novello for being recognized in the 2010 Washingtonian Magazine "Top Doctors" edition as a leading psychiatrist in the areas of child and adult psychiatry. Dr. Novello is a nationally renowned psychiatrist and his bio is listed below for your review. Dr. Novello is the only psychiatrist in all of Loudoun County to receive this esteemed honor. Joseph R. Novello, M.D., practices adult and child/adolescent psychiatry and [...]
Ashburn Psychiatrist Ashburn Psychologist Leesburg Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychologist
Keeping New Year’s Resolutions New Year’s Eve has always been a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and to resolve to follow through on those changes. Every year clients of mine tell me their lofty plans for New Year’s resolutions- find a boyfriend, lose weight, get healthy, quit smoking- and inevitably, like most people weeks later when I ask about the progress of their [...]
Ashburn Psychiatrist Ashburn Psychologist
Coping with the Winter Blues: Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder It is easy to understand why, this time of year, many are struck with a case of the winter blues. We leave for work before the sun comes up and head home in the dark barely glimpsing daylight. As the days get shorter and colder many find themselves dealing with sadness, increased appetite and excessive sleeping. What they may be experiencing [...]
Ashburn Child Psychologist Ashburn Child Psychiatrist
Postpartum Depression As new parents you are likely experiencing a number of feelings -- both highs and lows. This is very normal, and as many as eighty percent of new mothers (and some new fathers) suffer from what we call the “the baby blues.” Symptoms are short lived, ranging from a few hours to a few days, and typically involve feelings of isolation, headache, tearfulness, hypochondriasis (i.e. unsupported bodily [...]
Poplar Springs Hospital: Residential Treatment Facility
Poplar Springs Hospital: Residential Treatment Center Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Director, Dr. Oberschneider, met with representatives from Poplar Springs Hospital, a highly regarded residential treatment center in Petersburg, VA. Poplar Springs has several programs for children, adolescents and adults in need of residential care. More specically, they offer a residential center for adolescent females between 11 and 17 years of age, a residential treatment center for sexually abused youth; males between [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Leesburg Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychiatrist
Dr. Amy Gordon Presents at Loudoun County Public Schools Dr Amy Gordon, a clinical and neuropsychologist of the Ashburn Psychological Team, presented at the Loudoun Education Alliance of Parents (LEAP) on October 14th. The panel of local experts discussed the impact of technology on our student children and teens. Dr. Gordon spoke in place of Dr. Michael Oberschneider of the team, as Dr. Oberschneider has been kept quite busy with [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychologist Leesburg Psychiatrist
Screen Time for our Children, our Teens...and Ourselves Renee Sklarew Freelance Writer Northern Virginia Magazine DC Parenting Teens Examiner 301-706-2154 My husband and I are always worrying about the amount of time our kids spend on the internet or watching TV. During a recent interview with Dr. Michael Oberschneider, our region’s leading authority on screen time issues, I heard some practical advice I want to share. Dr. Oberschneider of Ashburn [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychologist
How Much Screen Time is too much for our Children and Teens? Between watching television and videos, Twittering, surfing the Internet, texting and playing computer or video games, it seems that our kids are spending more of their time than ever looking at some sort of screen, which begs the question -- How much screen time is too much? As a psychologist, of course I’ve always been witness to the [...]
The “Perfect” Coach For Your Boy*
As each Fall athletic season begins and boys are recruited into (or placed onto) various school and county leagues, my voicemail and e-mail Inbox receive an inevitable bombardment of concerns from pare nts about the “best coach.” Parents often have the same concern season-upon-season: “My sons’ coach is mean and I don’t think he can succeed with someone mean;” “His self-esteem is being harmed;” and of course, “What should we do?” I rarely hear from the parents who love their sons’ coaches: obviously, they have no complaints. In an effort to address the question of what makes a “perfect” coach, I turned to parents who love their sons’ coaches, talked with coaches, looked at the recent research on the effects of athletic coaching styles on boys, and sought the advice of a life coach (*I should note that while there are many similarities about coaching boys and girls, the differences illustrated in research literature are strong enough to separate the topics, and focus on only coaching boys in this article.)
Ashburn Psychologist Leesburg Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychiatrist
Thinking about Stress Life can be stressful. While the media bombards us with talk of war, recession, and layoffs, we are busy working, raising our children, and caring for elderly parents. The content of our minds reflects the way that we live, with thoughts rattling around all day and sometimes well into the night. We review, plan, worry, and obsess, and can end up feeling stressed and out of control. [...]
A Year of Recognition for Ashburn Psychological Services
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services has been honored this year with Dr. Michael Oberschneider, the founder and director of the practice, being recognized by his peers in the Washingtonian's (July 2009) "Top psychologist" category. Dr. Oberschneider, who also wrote a piece in The Washington Post earlier this year on the impact of the economic crisis on mental health, was featured on News Channel 8's "Let's Talk Live" [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychologist Leesburg Psychiatrist
August 2009 Washingtonian Magazine Interview with Dr. Oberschneider, Founder and Director of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Back-to-School Tips From the Pros Print By Abby Holekamp , MJ Lee We tracked down teachers, tutors, dieticians, and more to find out their advice for starting off the school year on the right foot. Read on for tips on everything from study skills to healthy-eating habits to college admissions. Back to School [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Leesburg Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychiatrist
Washingtonian Magazine "Top Psychologist" Nod for Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services Congratulations to Dr. Michael Oberschneider for being recognized by the Washingtonian Magazine as “Top Psychologist” in the greater DC area. The Washingtonian surveyed 1500 psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers in the DC area to recommend one or two specialists, in a variety of areas, to whom they would send a family member for care. Dr. Oberschneider received the nod [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is very pleased to announce its newest team members, psychiatrists, Dr. Joseph Novello and Dr. Imran Akram. Dr. Novello is renowned locally and nationally for his work in the field of psychiatry over the past 30 years. He works with children, adolescents, families and adults. Dr. Akram is a UVA trained psychiatirst with advanced training in adult, substance abuse and geriatric psychiatry. Please call our [...]
Leesburg Psychologist Ashburn Psychologist
Published in the Loudoun Times-Mirror on May 20, 2009 Boundaries: Coping with change By Elizabeth Coe Five days a week for the past five years, Adam Weber has ridden the bus to Mill Run Elementary School two miles away in Ashburn. There, the fourth-grader has gotten to know his teachers, administrators and fellow students. His mom, Jeanne Weber, has been an active member of the Parent Teacher Organization, and the [...]
Leesburg Psychologist Leesburg Psychiatrist
Published in Leesburg Today (May 4, 2009) A Look at Sexting Sexting, the practice of sending sexually explicit photos and messages between cell phones, has quickly become all the rage for many pre-teens and teens across the Nation. The phenomenon was first reported in 2005, and since then, parents, lawmakers and school systems have been grappling with how to deal with it. And Loudoun County is not immune to this [...]
Dr. Oberschneider of Ashburn Psychological Services Speaking on News Channel 8
Please click on the below link to see Dr. Oberschneider, Director of Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services, speaking about his recent column in the Washington Post.
Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist
Loss of Wealth Can Disrupt Mental Health By Michael Oberschneider Special to The Washington Post Tuesday, April 28, 2009 The reasons why somebody decides to take his or her life often remain opaque, even when there's a suicide note. But recent highly publicized deaths, such as the apparent murder-suicides of one family in their Middletown home and another in a Towson hotel room, and now the apparent suicide of Freddie [...]
Ashburn Psychologist Leesburg Psychologist
Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services is pleased to announce its newest team member, Dr. Al Jerome. Dr. Jerome is accepting new clients at both our Ashburn and Leesburg offices. For a consultation with Dr. Jerome, please contact our office manager, Laura Cusumano at (703) 723-2999 or at Albert Jerome, Ph.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Ohio University after completing internship training [...]
Ashburn Psychiatrist Leesburg Psychiatrist
Leesburg and Ashburn Board Certified Child Psychiatrist
Ashburn Psychologist Ashburn Psychiatrist
Dr. Susan Hamilton Returns to Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric Services We are pleased to announce the return of Dr. Susan Hamilton who has been on sabbatical. Dr. Hamilton is a highly trained clinical psychologist who provides consultation, assessment and psychotherapy for children, adolescents and adults. Dr. Hamilton is accepting new referrals at both the Ashburn and Leesburg offices. Her biography is listed here for your review. Dr. Hamilton received her [...]